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Speaking Test Part 2:



1. Outdoor Activities

Describe an outdoor activity you like to do.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • where you do it

  • how you do it

and explain why you like to do it.

Model Answer:

Hiking is one of my favourite outdoor activities and I do it whenever I get the chance. I love the peace and quiet when you’re surrounded by picturesque landscapes, and I also enjoy the exercise you get from trekking across hilly or mountainous terrain. I usually go to a nearby national park that is known for its spectacular views and scenic trails.

Before setting off on my trip, I make sure to pack a backpack with my gear, including all the essentials such as water, snacks, and a backup map. While hiking, I enjoy climbing up steep slopes and admiring the panoramic views from the tops. There is so much breathtaking scenery out there and sometimes you can catch a glimpse of wildlife like deer, rabbits and foxes. When I go for very long hikes I usually stop walking, put up a tent and light a campfire in the late afternoon, before it gets dark. I enjoy roughing it for a few days, and I find sleeping outdoors invigorating.

I love hiking because it helps me to disconnect from my worklife worries and clear my head. It’s also a chance to unplug from technology and I usually go back home feeling really refreshed and rejuvenated.

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