Speaking Test Part 3 Questions
Below you can see examples of the kinds of questions you might be asked in part 3 of the IELTS speaking test. In part 3, the examiner will ask you some follow up questions related to the topic in part 2. In this part of the test you are expected to give longer answers, and explain your ideas more fully.
1. Outdoor Activities
1. Why do some people prefer outdoor sports?
2. Are there any outdoor activities that were popular in the past, but are not anymore?
3. Do people spend less time outdoors now than in the past?
4. How can we encourage children to play outside?
5. Do you think governments should invest more in outdoor activity facilities?
6. Do young and old people like doing the same types of outdoor activities?
2. Restaurants
1. Do you think people eat too much fast food these days?
2. How can a restaurant attract more customers?
3. Are expensive restaurants always better than cheap restaurants?
4. Why do some people prefer to eat at home rather than eat at a restaurant?
5. Do you think people will cook at home less in the future?
6. Should governments check the quality of food in restaurants?
3. Family
1. Do you think it is better to grow up with brothers and sisters?
2. Is it good to have a large extended family?
3. What role should grandparents play in bringing up children?
4. How has the size of families changed in your country in the last 20 years?
5. What is more important, family or friends?
6. What do you think about single parent families?
4. Appearance
1. Is it important to have a good appearance?
2. Is it possible to look good without spending a lot of money?
3. Do people worry too much about their appearance as they get older?
4. Do different cultures think differently about beauty?
5. How has people’s idea of beauty changed over the years?
6. Do you think that the media influences our ideas about what is attractive?
5. Driving & Traffic
1. Has transport changed in your country in the last 20 years?
2. What can we do to improve road safety?
3. How could the roads be improved in your country?
4. Why do some people prefer driving a car to taking a train or bus?
5. What measures can be taken to reduce traffic jams in cities?
6. How do you think cars will change in the future?
6. Money
1. Is it important to save some money every month?
2. Should children be taught about saving and investing money at school?
3. Why are some people good at saving money while others are not?
4. How much money is enough money?
5. What problems can lack of money lead to?
6. Are any professions paid too much?
7. Sport
1. Is sport important?
2. Do kids do enough sport these days?
3. Is there a difference between the sports that girls do and boys do?
4. How can parents encourage kids to do more exercise?
5. Do you think sports stars are paid too much?
6. What are the benefits of international sports events?
8. Personality
1. Do you think it’s important for friends to have similar personality traits?
2. Which personal traits do you think we most want our children to have?
3. Is it the job of schools to teach children to be good members of society?
4. Do you think a person can change his/ her personality?
5. In general, do you think men and women have different personality types?
6. What are some of the character traits of people in your country?
9. Extreme Experiences
1. Why do some people like to do dangerous sports?
2. Would it be better to live in a very hot country or a very cold country?
3. Is the food in some countries much better than in others?
4. Should people be punished for antisocial behaviour?
5. Can people learn to control their fear?
6. How can technology help us remember special events?
10. Hopes & Dreams
1. Do you think it’s important to have dreams?
2. Why do some people dream about having a huge house?
3. What makes some people successful?
4. Does money make people happy?
5. Why do some people love to travel?
6. What are the advantages of working abroad?
11. Childhood
1. How does your childhood influence what kind of person you become?
2. Should children be allowed to spend a lot of time watching TV or playing computer games?
3. Is it important for grandparents to help raise their grandchildren?
4. Is it important for children to have role models?
5. Are more children spoilt now than in the past?
6. When does a child become an adult?
12. Environmental Problems
1. How do you think the increasing population is affecting the environment?
2. What can be done to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment?
3. Do you think environmental education should be a mandatory part of the school curriculum?
4. What is the role of the media in raising awareness about environmental problems?
5. How do you think businesses can be more environmentally responsible?
6. How can international cooperation help address global environmental problems?
13. Business
1. What are the benefits of starting your own business?
2. How do you think companies can balance their profits with ethical practices?
3. How do you think businesses can stay competitive in a constantly evolving market?
4. Should governments help to protect small businesses from competition from larger corporations?
5. In your opinion, what role does innovation play in the success of a business?
6. What qualities are important for a person to have in order to be successful in business?
14. Mobiles
1. Are we all addicted to our phones? Is this addiction a real problem?
2. How have mobile phones improved our lives?
3. How has modern communication technology changed the way we communicate?
4. Should young children be given smartphones?
5. Should smartphones be allowed in the classroom?
6. What advances in communication technology do you think will happen in the future?
15. Good Manners
1. Do you think people are more or less polite than in the past?
2. Should parents or schools teach children good manners?
3. How can parents encourage their kids to have better manners?
4. Can good manners help you to be more successful?
5. Do you think mobile phones should be banned in public places?
6. How important are role models in teaching good manners?
16. Hometown
1. In what ways could you improve your hometown?
2. Do people who grow up in the same hometown have similar personalities?
3. Many people leave their hometowns when they become adults. Why is this?
4. Why do most people have a strong connection to their hometown?
5. Is it better to grow up in a small town or a big city?
6. What factors make a town attractive to live in?
17. Studying
1. What are the characteristics of a good student?
2. What are the benefits of getting a university degree?
3. Do you think distance learning is effective?
4. Are there advantages to studying in another country?
5. Should university education be free?
6. How do you think education will change in the future?
18. Home
1. What are the advantages of living in a house compared to a flat?
2. Do you think everyone will live in cities in the future?
3. Do most people in your country rent or buy a house/ flat?
4. Do you think houses are too expensive these days?
5. Do you think it’s important to live near to relatives?
6. How could you improve your house or flat?
19. Celebrations
1. What are the differences between family parties and parties given by friends?
2. Are any traditional celebrations in your country disappearing?
3. What local festival in your area or country would you recommend to a foreign guest?
4. Why do you think some people enjoy parties, but others hate them?
5. Do you think public celebrations are important? Why?
6. Are there any festivals or celebrations you would like to visit in another country?
20. Work
1. What jobs are most valuable to society?
2. What are the most difficult jobs?
3. What are the most useful skills to have in order to get a job these days?
4. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than a high salary?
5. How has technology changed the way people do their jobs?
6. At what age should people be able to retire?
21. Leisure Time
1. What are some popular leisure activities in your country?
2. Do you think people in your country should have more days off?
3. How do our leisure activities usually change as we get older?
4. Should the government pay for free leisure facilities?
5. Do children have enough free time these days?
6. Is it important to spend our free time with other people?
22. Helping Others
1. Do you think it’s important to help people in your community?
2. Should rich countries provide assistance to poorer countries?
3. How can we encourage children to help others?
4. How can schools teach children to work together?
5. Do you think young people do enough to look after the elderly?
6. Should we all give money to charity?
23. Clothes
1. How different are the clothes you wear now to the clothes you wore 10 years ago?
2. Do people spend too much money on clothes?
3. In what situations should you wear nice, smart clothes?
4. Should children wear a uniform at school?
5. Why do you think fashions change?
6. What kind of clothes do you think people will wear in 50 years?
24. The Weather
1. Do most people prefer summer or winter in your country? Why?
2. Do you think the weather affects people’s moods?
3. How does the weather affect people’s behaviour?
4. How accurate are weather forecasts usually?
5. How do people in your country deal with bad weather?
6. Why do some people live in places with very bad weather?
25. Technology
1. Do you think children should be allowed to use smartphones at school?
2. Is it important to teach elderly people how to use modern electronic devices?
3. Why might someone want to reduce their use of technology?
4. What technologies have improved people’s lives the most?
5. What are the differences in the way old people and young people use technology?
6. Is technological progress always a good thing?
26. Happiness
1. Do you think people are happier when they are younger or older?
2. Do you think people are happier today than they were in the past?
3. Is money important to happiness?
4. How does the climate affect people’s moods?
5. Are the things that make people happy now the same as in the past?
6. What kind of people are most likely to be happy?
27. Neighbours
1. In what ways can neighbours help each other?
2. Are communities as close today as they were in the past?
3. Should there be laws about how much noise you can make at home?
4. How can we make neighbourhoods better for raising children?
5. What makes a good neighbour?
6. How do you think areas where people live will change in the future?
28. The News
1. Is it important to keep up to date with the news?
2. What is more important, domestic or international news?
3. How has the way people access news changed over the last 20 years?
4. Do young and old people get the news in the same ways?
5. Do you think everything we read in the news is true?
6. Who should decide what news is available?
29. Pets
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?
2. Do you think it’s good for children to have pets?
3. Why do some people prefer cats while others prefer dogs?
4. Should people be allowed to keep dangerous animals as pets?
5. Should animals be kept in zoos?
6. Do you think there should be laws to protect pets?
30. Describing People
1. What makes a good friend?
2. Are people less sociable today than in the past?
3. What personal characteristics help you to have a successful career?
4. How do people change as they get older?
5. How can we teach children to be good members of society?
6. Do you think it’s good to be competitive?
31. Mistakes
1. Is it important to apologise if you make a mistake? Why?/ Why not?
2. What can we learn from our mistakes?
3. What should parents do if their children make mistakes?
4. Are severe punishments the best way to stop people from breaking the law?
5. Should we be afraid of making mistakes?
6. If you could go back in time what mistake would you fix?
32. Buying & Selling
1. Why do people in some countries like to bargain?
2. Is it common to sell things second-hand in your country?
3. Should people replace things like mobile phones, TV’s, computers less often?
4. Is it good to be able to buy goods produced abroad?
5. Why do some people prefer to buy locally made products?
6. How has the internet changed the way companies sell products?
33. Hotels
1. In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of a hotel experience?
2. How do you think technology has changed the hotel industry?
3. What kind of impact do you think hotels have on the local community and economy?
4. How do you think hotels should deal with negative reviews and customer complaints?
5. What are some of the challenges that hotels face in providing quality service to their guests?
6. How do you think hotels today are different to hotels in the past?
34. Behaviour & Attitudes
1. Do you think it’s important to be helpful?
2. What are the best ways to deal with stress?
3. How can you motivate yourself to achieve something?
4. How important is a positive attitude to success in your career/ studies?
5. Is it better to spend free time with other people or by yourself?
6. How can we teach children to be well behaved?
35. Daily Routine
1. Do you like to have the same routine everyday?
2. How have people’s routines changed over the last 20 years?
3. Is it important to have time to yourself to relax each day?
4. How is your typical daily routine different now to how it was when you were at school?
5. How can a routine help you to be successful?
6. What steps can we take to stop a bad habit?
36. Getting Ill
1. In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing the healthcare system in your country?
2. How can healthcare costs be controlled while still giving everyone the care they need?
3. Do you think the government should play a larger role in healthcare?
4. What can be done to improve the mental health care system in your country?
5. Is it a child’s responsibility to care of elderly parents when they are ill?
6. How do you think technology has impacted the treatment of illnesses?
37. Dealing with Problems
1. Do people have as many problems today as they did in the past?
2. Is it easier to solve problems on your own or in a group?
3. your opinion, what are the most important skills for effectively dealing with problems?
4. How do you think technology has changed the way we deal with problems?
5. How do you think people's attitudes towards problem-solving have changed over the years?
6. Should you be able to count on family or friends for help when you are in trouble?
38. Parks & Gardens
1. How important do you think it is for cities to have green spaces such as parks and gardens?
2. Can you think of any examples of cities that have beautiful parks and gardens?
3. How do parks and gardens contribute to the quality of life in a city?
4. How might the role of parks and gardens change in the future, as cities grow?
5 Are parks and gardens more important in densely populated cities?
6. What facilities should parks and gardens have to make them more attractive?
39. Books
1. Do you think reading books is becoming a thing of the past?
2. What role do libraries play in promoting reading and literacy in society?
3. How do you think reading habits and preferences differ between different generations?
4. In your view, what are the benefits of reading books for both individuals and society as a whole?
5. How can we encourage more children and young people to read?
6. How has technology changed people’s reading habits?
40. Diets & Eating Habits
1. How important is a balanced diet to health?
2. Is obesity a bigger problem in your country now than it used to be?
3. Should governments put taxes on unhealthy food products?
4. Do you think children should learn how to cook healthy meals at school?
5. How do you think the modern lifestyle is affecting people's diets and health?
6. What are the differences between the types of food younger and older generations like?
41. Advice & Decisions
1. What role do you think advice from friends and family plays in decision-making?
2. Is it important to follow your instincts when making decisions?
3. Do you think young people are easily influenced by their friends when making decisions?
4. Is it important to get professional advice, such as from a lawyer or accountant, when making decisions?
5. Are older people better at making important decisions than younger people?
6. Do you think technology like the internet helps people make decisions?
42. Cooking
1. What role do you think cooking plays in people's overall health and well-being?
2. How has the popularity of cooking shows influenced people's cooking habits?
3. How has the internet changed the way people approach cooking and recipe-finding?
4. How important is it for people to develop cooking skills?
5. What are some common challenges that people face when cooking at home?
6. How do you think cooking and meal preparation can impact family relationships?
43. Music
1.How have technology and the internet changed the way people discover and listen to music?
2. Do you think music has the power to bring people together and create a sense of unity?
3. What role do you think music should play in schools and educational curriculums?
4. What impact have music streaming services had on the music industry?
5. How do you think music can be used as a tool for cultural and social change?
6. Do you think the music that is popular today is better or worse than music in the past?
44. Shopping
1. How has the internet changed the way people shop and make purchases?
2. How have the shopping areas in your town centre changed over the last 20 years?
3. How do you think physical stores can compete with online retailers in the current market?
4. How are the shopping habits of older people different to the habits of younger people?
5. What role do you think advertising plays in shaping people's shopping decisions?
6. Do you think people today consume too much?
45. Photography
1. How has photography changed over the years?
2. What will the future of photography look like?
3. Should celebrities have the right to stop photographs of themselves from being published?
4. How has social media impacted the way people take and share photos?
5. What makes a professional photographer different from an amateur photographer?
6. Are there any ethical considerations when taking photographs?
46. School
1. How can schools better prepare students for the challenges of the modern world?
2. In your opinion, should children have more opportunities to choose what they study?
3. Should the school curriculum include non-academic subjects like physical education and art?
4. What role should technology play in the classroom and in the learning process?
5. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of testing and examining pupils?
6. In what ways do you think schools today are different to schools in the past?
47. Gifts
1.Do you think gift-giving is more about the thought behind the gift or the actual gift itself?
2. How have the type of presents people give to each other changed over time?
3. In your culture, what do you think is the appropriate way to give and receive gifts in business settings?
4. How do you think gift-giving can affect relationships, both positively and negatively?
5. In your opinion, do people give gifts more out of obligation or genuine generosity?
6. What are some of the challenges people face when selecting presents for others?
48. Parties
1. In your opinion, what are the benefits and drawbacks of attending parties?
2. Do you think it is better to have large parties or small parties with only close friends and relatives?
3. How do different age groups view parties differently?
4. What role does technology play in organising and attending parties today?
5. How does the cost of hosting a party influence the type of party people choose to have?
6. In what ways are family parties different from parties with friends?
49. Art
1. In your opinion, what makes a piece of art valuable or significant?
2. Do you think art should be censored in any way, such as for political or social reasons?
3. How do you think art education should be part of the school programme?
4. In your opinion, should the government provide funding for art?
5. How do you think new forms of art, such as digital art, will be viewed and appreciated in the future?
6. Do you think people’s taste in art changes as they get older?
50. Celebrities
1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of being a celebrity?
2. In your opinion, what makes a “good” celebrity role model?
3. Do celebrities have the same right to privacy as everyone else?
4. Do people become celebrities in the same way today as they did in the past?
5. What do you think is the main reason why people become obsessed with following the lives of celebrities?
6. Do you think it’s fair that celebrities are paid so much more than other professionals?
Be ready to express your opinion
In part 3 you will often be asked your opinion on topics and issues. You can use phrases like, in my opinion/ I believe/ I am convinced that...
Practise language for comparing and contrasting
You are often asked to compare two things and talk about the pros and cons of each.
Practise the 2nd conditional
Sometimes you’ll need to imagine a situation and discuss possible results or effects using the 2nd conditional.
Provide reasons and examples
Support your opinions with reasons and examples. Say why something happens with “because…”, "due to..." or "as a result of...".
Use linking words
Connect your ideas with words and phrases like "furthermore," "however," "for instance," and "on the other hand."
Use topic specific vocabulary
You don’t need to use very unusual and “advanced” words, but you should try to use topic specific vocabulary whenever possible.
Use synonyms
Try to vary your language as much as possible. For example, if you notice that you’ve said “it’s really important” already, say “it’s crucial” or it’s essential”.
If you don’t understand the question, ask the examiner
If you don’t clearly understand the question, ask the examiner to clarify the meaning. This is much better than answering in the wrong way.
Past, Present & Future
Think about how things were in the past, how they are now and how they might be in the future. This will add depth to your answer and gives you a chance to show you can use tenses well.