1. Outdoor Activities
Describe an outdoor activity you like to do.
You should say:
what it is
where you do it
how you do it
and explain why you like to do it.
2. Restaurants
Describe a restaurant you enjoyed going to.
You should say:
where the restaurant was
who you went with
what type of food you ate in this restaurant
and explain why you thought the restaurant was good
3. Family
Describe a person in your family who you admire.
You should say:
what their relationship is to you
what they have done in their life
what they do now
and explain why you admire them
4. Appearance
Describe a famous person who you think is beautiful/ handsome.
You should say:
who he/she is
what you know about him/her
and explain why you think he/she is beautiful/ handsome
5. Driving & Traffic
Describe a time you had a problem while driving.
You should say:
where you were going
what caused the problem
what you did to solve the problem
and explain how you felt about the situation
6. Money
Describe a time when you saved some money to buy something special.
You should say:
what you saved money to buy
why you wanted it
how you saved the money
and explain how you felt when you eventually bought it
7. Sport
Describe a sport you enjoy watching on TV.
You should say:
what the sport is
when you watch it
who you watch it with
and explain why you enjoy watching it
8. Personality
Describe a person who you admire.
You should say:
who the person is
what he or she is like
and why you admire him or her
9. Extreme Experiences
Describe a time you were very happy.
You should say:
where you were
who you were with
what happened
and explain why you felt this way
10. Hopes & Dreams
Describe an aim or goal that you hope to achieve in the future.
You should say
what the aim is
when you hope to achieve it
what you need to do to reach your goal
and why this goal is important to you
11. Childhood
Describe a happy childhood memory.
You should say:
when and where the event happened
who you were with what happened
and explain why it is a happy memory
12. Environmental Problems
Describe an environmental problem or event.
You should say:
what it is
where it is happening
and what problems it causes
13. Business
Describe a small business you would like to start.
You should say:
what business it would be
when you want to start it
why you have not you started it yet
and explain why you want to start this business
14. Mobiles
Describe a thing that you possess that is important to you.
You should say:
what is it and who gave it to you
What are its special features
would you ever give it to someone else
15. Good Manners
Describe a polite person you know.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know this person
and why you think this person is polite
16. Hometown
Describe your hometown.
You should say:
where it is
what you can see there
and say why you think people choose to live there
17. Studying
Talk about a subject you studied.
You should say:
what you studied
what the subject is about
and explain why you chose to study it
18. Home
Describe a home that you visited that you liked.
You should say:
where it was
who the owner was
and explain why you liked it
19. Celebrations
Describe an important festival in your county.
You should say:
what it is
why people celebrate this day
and explain how people like to celebrate
20. Work
Describe a job you have had.
You should say:
where you worked
what you did
and why you liked or disliked the job
21. Leisure Time
Describe a leisure activity you like to do.
You should say:
what you do
when you do it
how you do it and
explain why you like to do this activity
22. Helping Others
Describe someone who helps others in his or her spare time.
You should say:
who this person is
where this person lives
how you know this person
and explain what this person does to help people
23. Clothes
Describe an item of clothes you like wearing
You should say:
what the item of clothing is
how often you wear this item
where you got it from
and explain why you like this item of clothing
24. The Weather
Describe a time that the weather stopped you from doing something
You should say:
what your plan was
what weather you were hoping for
what happened
and explain how you felt about changing your plans
25. Technology
Describe an item of technology which you own and is very important to you
You should say:
what the piece of technology is
where you got it
how often you use it
and explain why it is so important to you
26. Happiness
Describe a time when you felt really happy
You should say:
what the event was
when it happened
who you were with
and explain why you felt so happy
27. Neighbours
Describe one of your neighbours
You should say:
when you became neighbours
how often you meet him/ her
what he/ she is like
and say if you like or dislike your neighbour
28. The News
Describe a newspaper or news site that you like to read
You should say:
what the publication is
what stories usually interest you
how often you read it
and explain why you like to read it
29. Pets
Describe a pet that you or someone you know had
You should:
say what kind of pet it was
explain what kind of care it required
say why you or your friend decided to have this pet
and say what you liked or disliked about it
30. Describing People
Describe a good friend of yours
You should say:
who he/ she is
how you met
what you like to do together
and say what you like about this person
31. Mistakes
Describe a mistake you have made
You should:
say what the mistake was
say when you made it
explain how you made this mistake
and say how it affected you
32. Buying & Selling
Describe a time you bought something second hand
You should say:
what you bought
why you wanted it
who you bought it from
and say if you were satisfied with the purchase
33. Hotels
Describe a hotel you have stayed in
You should say:
where the hotel was
why you stayed at that particular hotel
give details of the hotel and the view from it
and explain what makes the hotel special
34. Behaviour & Attitudes
Describe a time someone's behaviour impressed you
You should say:
who the person was
where and when this happened
what the person did
and why you were impressed
35. Daily Routine
Describe an activity you do every day
You should say:
what the activity is
when and where you usually do it
how you do it
and explain why it is important to do it every day
36. Getting Ill
Describe a time you were ill
You should say:
what the illness was
what the symptoms were
what you did to get better
and describe how the illness affected your life
37. Dealing with Problems
Describe a problem you had
You should say:
what the problem was
when it happened
what caused the problem
and what you did to deal with the problem
38. Parks & Gardens
Describe a public park you have visited
You should say:
where the park is
what you saw there
what people like to do in this park
and explain why you enjoyed visiting this park
39. Books
Describe a book that had a major influence on you
You should say:
what the name of the book is & who the author is
how you first heard of the book
what the main story of the book is
and explain why it played such an important role in your life
40. Diets & Eating Habits
Talk about your favourite food
You should say:
what the food is
what the ingredients are
how you make it
and explain why it is your favourite food
41. Advice & Decisions
Describe a difficult decision you had to make
You should say:
when this happened
what you had to decide
what you decided to do
and explain how you felt about the decision
42. Cooking
Describe someone you know who is a good cook
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
what kinds of food he/she cooks
and explain why this person is good at cooking
43. Music
Describe a song you like
You should say:
what kind of song it is
what the song is about
when you first heard it
and explain why you like it
44. Shopping
Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown
You should say:
where the shop is
when it opened
what it sells
and how you feel about the shop
45. Photography
Describe a photograph that you like
You should say:
what can be seen in the photograph
when it was taken
who took it
and explain why you like it
46. School
Describe a school you went to when you were a child
You should say:
where the school was
when you went there
what the school and your teachers were like
and explain whether you enjoyed your time there
47. Gifts
Describe a gift you gave to someone
You should say:
who you gave it to
what the gift was
what occasion the gift was for
and explain why you chose that gift
48. Parties
Describe a party that you enjoyed
You should say:
whose party it was and what it was celebrating
where the party was held and who went to it
what people did during the party
and explain what you enjoyed about the party
49. Art
Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen
You should say:
when you saw this work of art
where you saw it
what it looked like
and explain your impression of it
50. Celebrities
Talk about a famous person you would like to meet
You should say:
who is he/ she
why you want to meet him/ her
why he/she is famous
and explain what you would do if you met him/ her
You have 1 minute to make notes before you start
Write down some key words and phrases that you can use in your speech. Use the points on the card to help you.
Use context words
Try to include some context specific words. For example, for a restaurant topic : cuisine, chef, waitress, kitchen, service.
Answer all the points given on the card
You don’t need to spend an equal amount of time on each point, but you should talk about all of the points.
You must talk about the topic given
Read the card carefully. What you say doesn’t need to be true, but it must be relevant.
Practice speaking for 2 minutes
Regularly time yourself speaking for 2 minutes. Understand what it feels like to speak for 2 minutes.
Record yourself
Record yourself and then listen back. Did you answer all of the points on the card? Could you improve your vocabulary? Any grammar errors?
Describe real people/ events/ places
Your answer doesn't need to be true, but it is easier to describe real people and events.
Practise describing people
A lot of questions ask you to talk about a person, so it’s very useful to be prepared to describe a person with a variety of adjectives and phrases.
Practise describing indoor places
You will often be asked to describe an experience indoors. This could be, for example, at home, at a friend’s house, or in a restaurant.
Try the PPF method
Think about the Past, Present and Future. When did you first/ last/ recently do something? When do you do it now? When will you do it again?
Speaking fluency is important
If you can’t think of the perfect word or phrase, move on, and don’t focus on perfect grammar.
Think about the background
In a good story you should give background. Use the past continuous to say what was happening around the main events in your story.
Use the past perfect
The past perfect is really useful, especially when telling stories. We often use it to explain why something happened or what led up to the situation.
Use synonyms
Try to avoid repeating vocabulary. Even simple phrases like "I really like" can be varied, for example, "I enjoy" or even "I get a thrill out of".
Try to show confidence
Talking with confidence creates a good impression. Try to smile and maintain eye contact with the examiner.
Get feedback from a teacher
Practise with a teacher who can give you good feedback. Ask the teacher to correct your pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar mistakes.
Practise with an AI
AI’s like ChatGPT can ask you IELTS style questions and give you feedback on your answers (although an experienced teacher's feedback is usually much better).
Don't memorise answers
It's normally very obvious. But do regularly practice key topics such as describing people, indoor and outdoor places, activities and experiences.
Regular practice is key
Try to speak English regularly to build your confidence and fluency. Speak with friends, family, a tutor or even on your own if necessary.
Give two or three sentence answers
You don’t need to say a lot in this part of the test, but never answer with just ‘yes’ or ‘no’. You can add a reason, an example or some details.
Give a reason
Extend you answer with because + a reason why you do/ like/ play etc. something.
Give an example
You can also extend your answer by saying when you did something and giving a few details.
Add a detail
Add more detail about what you like, do etc. with phrases such as "I especially like..." or "my favourite..."
Listen carefully to the question
That way, you will definitely answer the question in the right way. If you’re unsure about the question, it’s ok to ask the examiner to repeat or clarify it.
Don’t memorise answers
It’s usually very obvious that you memorised the answer. But, you should practise a lot, especially common topics.
Listen to the tense used in the question
Make sure you reply using the right tense; past simple, present perfect, present simple etc.
Avoid repeating the same vocabulary or phrases
For example, instead of saying “I really love…”, you could say “I’m a big fan of…”.
Focus on fluency
Speaking fluency is as important as vocabulary and grammar. Try to avoid hesitation, and if you can’t think of the perfect word, don’t worry and say it another way.
Speak clearly
It’s better to speak very clearly than very fast. Focus on speaking clearly and with good pronunciation.
Give your opinion
You can give your opinion with phrases such as, "in my opinion", "in my view", or "as far as I'm concerned".
Use the present perfect
You can say how long you have been doing something, or mention an experience you have had.
Create compound sentences
Two clause sentences with a conjunction will help you reach the advanced bands.
Use conditionals
Show off a wide range of grammar if possible. Perhaps add a phrase such as, "if I had more free time, I would do it more often".
Use phrasal verbs
These are common in informal speech and so they're ideal for part 1. For example, you could use "came over" instead of "visited me".
Use synonyms
Use different words whenever possible. So, don't repeat, "I love...", instead say "I'm a big fan of" or "I really enjoy..." or "I'm really fond of..."
Use context specific words
Words related to the context show the examiner you can speak about a wide range of topics. So, use context specific words if you can.
Use strong adjectives
Strong adjectives can add colour to your answer. So, instead of "it's good", say it's fantastic, delicious or breathtaking.
Use a variety of adverbs
Try not to repeat the same adverb all the time. You can use very, really, extremely, quite or with strong adjectives, absolutely and totally.
Stay calm and positive
It’s hard to judge your own test, so stay calm and positive. It can only help!
Speaking Test Part 2 Questions
Below you can see examples of the kinds of questions you will be asked in part 2 of the IELTS speaking test. In part 2, you will have to talk about a topic for one or two minutes (aim for 2 minutes). The examiner will give you a cue card with the topic and instructions on what you should say.