Speaking Test Part 1 Questions
In part 1, the examiner could ask you about yourself, your home, work, studies or other topics related to your everyday life. Below you will finds a wide range of part 1 style questions, organised by topic. Try to practice every day, either with a partner or by yourself.
1. Outdoor Activities
1. What outdoor activities do you like?
2. What is your favourite indoor activity?
3. Do you prefer to spend your spare time indoors or outdoors?
4. What outdoor activities are popular in your country?
5. Do people in your country like to spend time outdoors?
6. What outdoor activity would you like to try in the future?
7. Did you prefer outdoor or indoor activities when you were a child?
8. Do you like to spend time outdoors when you are on holiday?
2. Restaurants
1. Do you like to eat at restaurants?
2. What is your favourite restaurant?
3. Why do people like to go to restaurants?
4. What types of food are popular in your country?
5. Do you often have dinner with your family or friends?
6. Do you ever eat fast food?
7. What kind of new food would you like to try?
8. Are there any good restaurants in your town?
3. Family
1. Do you have a small or large family?
2. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
3. How often do you see relatives like aunties, uncles or cousins?
4. Are your parents and grandparents from the same country as you?
5. What do you and your family like to do together?
6. Do you have a good relationship with everyone in your family?
7. Who are you closest with in your family?
8. Is family life important in your country?
4. Appearance
1. Are you tall?
2. What is the most unusual haircut you have ever had?
3. Do you like to wear make-up?
4. Do you try to stay in shape?
5. Do you usually wear fashionable clothes?
6. What kinds of things do you do to improve your appearance?
7. Do you look similar to other members of your family?
8. What does your best friend look like?
5. Driving & Traffic
1. Do you have a driver’s licence?
2. Do you think it’s hard to learn to drive?
3. When was the last time you travelled in a car?
4. At what age are people allowed to drive in your country?
5. Do you think it’s important to be able to drive?
6. What kind of cars are most popular in your country?
7. Is there anything you don’t like about driving?
8. Do you think you will travel by car more in the future?
6. Money
1. Is money important to you?
2. What do people in your country save money for?
3. Are you good at saving money?
4. Would you like to become rich in the future?
5. Is it ok to lend money to friends and family members?
6. Have you ever borrowed money?
7. Is it good to give money to charity?
7. Sport
1. Do you enjoy playing any sports?
2. What sports did you play when you were at school?
3. Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
4. What sports do you watch live or on TV?
5. Do you have a favourite sportsperson? Who?
6. What sports do people in your country like?
7. What sports would you like to try in the future?
8. Personality
1. How would you describe yourself?
2. In what ways are you similar to your friends?
3. What do you like to do to relax?
4. What are the qualities of a good boss?
5. Is it necessary to be ambitious to be successful?
6. Do you know any really generous people?
7. Who do you admire in your family?
8. What was your favourite teacher at school like?
9. Extreme Experiences
1. Have you ever done an extreme sport? Would you like to?
2. What kind of food do you think is absolutely delicious?
3. What is the best trip or journey you have made?.
4. What things make you very happy?
5. Have you ever been really scared?
6. Where is the hottest or coldest place you have been?
7. What really annoys you?
8. Can you think of a very happy memory?
10. Hopes & Dreams
1. Where would you most like to live?
2. Would you like to have a large house?
3. What is your ideal job?
4. Do you want to earn a lot of money in the future?
5. Would you like to work abroad?
6. Where would you like to go on holiday?
7. Would you like to travel first class on a plane?
8. What would you do if you were given a large amount of money by a relative?
11. Childhood
1. Did you enjoy your childhood?
2. What is the first thing you remember about your childhood?
3. What did you like doing when you were a child?
4. Did you grow up in a city, town or village?
5. What was your favourite toy?
6. Did you like going to school?
7. Did you have a best friend when you were a child?
8. How much time did you spend with your grandparents?
12. Environmental Problems
1. Is pollution a problem in your town/ city?
2. Are there many green spaces in your town/ city?
3. Does your country ever suffer from floods or droughts?
4. What environmental problems do you think are most serious?
5. Is it common to recycle rubbish?
6. How can an individual reduce carbon-dioxide emissions?
7. Do you think we will still use oil and gas in 50 years?
8. Are you worried about climate change?
13. Business
1. What type of business do you work in or would you like to work in?
2. Would you like to run your own business in the future?
3. Can you think of an example of good advertising or marketing?
4. How important is good customer service?
5. Are you a loyal customer of any companies?
6. Do you think businesses should protect the environment?
7. Do you think businesses should try to help the local community?
8. What businesses are very successful in your country?
14. Mobiles
1. In your opinion, what is the best brand of smartphone?
2. Do you think smartphones are too expensive?
3. What do you use your smartphone for?
4. Do you play any games on your phone?
5. How often do you switch off your phone? When and where?
6. Do you send messages or call people more often?
7. Do any of your friends use their phones too much?
8. How would you feel if you couldn’t use your phone for a week?
15. Good Manners
1. Are you a polite person?
2. What are some examples of good manners in your country?
3. Who taught you about manners?
4. Do you think it’s important to be polite?
5. What impolite behaviours annoy you the most?
6. Are car drivers polite in your country?
7. What behaviours are impolite when eating?
8. Are you ever late? Does it annoy you when other people are late?
16. Hometown
1. Where is your hometown located?
2. What is your hometown like?
3. Does it have any historical buildings?
4. What do you like about your hometown?
5. Has it changed much since you were a child?
6. Do most of your family and friends still live there?
7. What kinds of jobs do people in your hometown have?
8. Do you ever miss your hometown?
17. Studying
1. Do you work or study?
2. What subject do/ did you study?
3. Did you enjoy studying it?
4. If you had the chance, would you study something else?
5. Do you plan to work in the same field as your subject?
6. Did you get along with the other students on your course?
7. Why did you choose your university?
8. Would you like to do a master’s degree or PhD in the future?
18. Home
1. Where do you live?
2. Do you live in a house or a flat?
3. When did you move in?
4. Do you own your home?
5. Who do you live with?
6. What is your favourite room?
7. How is your home decorated?
8. Is there anything you would like to change about your home?
19. Celebrations
1. What did you do on your last birthday?
2. Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday?
3. What is the most important festival in your country?
4. Are you planning to go to any festivals this year?
5. When did you last meet up with your whole family?
6. Do you enjoy family parties?
7. Do you like to travel during public holidays?
8. Are there many religious holidays in your country?
20. Work
1. What is your job?
2. Why did you decide to do that job?
3. What do you do during a normal workday?
4. Is your job difficult?
5. Do you like your colleagues at work?
6. Would you like to be promoted?
7. If you had the opportunity, would you change your job?
8. At what age would you like to retire?
21. Leisure Time
1. What do you like to do during your leisure time?
2. What is your favourite leisure activity on rainy days?
3. What did you like to do during free time when you were a child?
4. Do you like to spend free time with family or friends?
5. What is a popular leisure activity in your country?
6. Are there many things to do in your town or city?
7. Do you ever get bored during your free time?
8. How many days off do people in your country get each week?
22. Helping Others
1. Do you like to help others?
2. Do you know anyone who often helps other people?
3. Do you ever help people at school/ work?
4. Do you ever give money to charity?
5. Should neighbours help each other?
6. Have you ever helped a stranger?
7. Did you help your parents with anything when you were a child?
8. What can you do to thank someone who has helped you?
23. Clothes
1. How important is fashion to you?
2. What are some of your favourite items of clothing?
3. Are your winter clothes very different to your summer clothes? In what way?
4. Where do you usually buy your clothes?
5. What kind of clothes did you wear at school?
6. Do you have any friends who are really stylish? What clothes do they wear?
7. Have you ever worn the traditional clothes of your country?
8. Is the brand of clothes important to you? Why?/ Why not?
24. The Weather
1. What’s the weather like in your country?
2. What is your favourite type of weather?
3. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
4. Do you check the weather forecast regularly?
5. Does it rain often in your town?
6. Does the rain ever affect what you do?
7. Does bad weather ever affect transportation in your town?
8. What would you like to change about the weather in your country?
25. Technology
1. How often do you use a computer? What for?
2. Do you like to have the most modern gadgets?
3. Can you access the internet anywhere in your country?
4. What device in your home is most useful?
5. How do you communicate with your friends and relatives?
6. What electronic device have you bought recently?
7. Are there any electronics you would like to buy?
8. Is there any technology which you don’t like?
26. Happiness
1. What things or activities make you happy?
2. What time of day are you normally happiest?
3. In which country do you think people are happiest?
4. Does the weather affect your mood?
5. Is it important to have many friends?
6. Does spending time with family members make you happy?
7. What can make you unhappy?
8. Did a film or book ever make you sad?
27. Neighbours
1. Do you get on well with your neighbours?
2. Have you ever argued with a neighbour? What about?
3. Do your neighbours ever disturb you? How?
4. Have you ever helped a neighbour?
5. What useful shops are there in your neighbourhood?
6. What transport is available in your local area?
7. Is your neighbourhood a good place to live?
8. What kind of neighbourhood would you like to live in in the future?
28. The News
1. Do you often read newspapers?
2. Do you prefer news about your country or international news?
3. Do most people in your country follow the news?
4. How do people usually get the news in your country?
5. Is it important to follow the news?
6. Do you ever get news from the internet?
7. Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?
8. Would you like to be a journalist?
29. Pets
1. Do you like animals?
2. Have you ever had a pet?
3. Would you like to get a pet in the future?
4. Is it better to keep pets indoors or outdoors?
5. What is the most popular pet in your country?
6. What is the best pet to have when you get old?
7. Is it good to have a dog to guard your house?
8. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
30. Describing People
1. Would your friends say you are reliable?
2. Who is the most ambitious person you know?
3. What jobs require a person to be creative?
4. Do you think most people are honest?
5. Are any of your family members bad-tempered?
6. Do you enjoy making new friends?
7. Do you ever get stressed?
8. Is it good to be helpful?
31. Mistakes
1. Did you make many mistakes during your first week at school/ work?
2. Did you ever make a mistake while travelling?
3. What things can offend people in your country?
4. What can you do to show someone you are sorry?
5. Can you admit when you are wrong?
6. Does your boss/ teachers ever criticise you? Why?
7. How would you react if someone accidentally broke your mobile phone?
8. How would you feel if you lost your job?
32. Buying & Selling
1. Do you prefer shopping online? Why?/ Why not?
2. Are there many shops near your home? What kind?
3. Do you like to buy products made locally?
4. Have you ever bought or sold something second hand? What was it?
5. Have you ever visited an outdoor market? Where?
6. Do you like to bargain? Why?/ Why not?
7. Are expensive products always better than cheap ones? Why?
8. How often do you replace your mobile phone? What about your laptop?
33. Hotels
1. Have you ever stayed in a hotel before?
2. What kind of hotel do you prefer when you travel, budget or luxury?
3. What are some of the most important factors you consider when choosing a hotel?
4. What facilities do you look for in a hotel when you travel?
5. Do you have a favourite hotel brand or chain?
6. Have you ever had a bad experience at a hotel?
7. Do you think it's important for a hotel to have good customer service?
8. Have you ever used a hotel booking website to make a reservation?
34. Behaviour & Attitudes
1. Were you ever naughty as a child?
2. What puts you in a good mood?
3. Do you enjoy meeting new people?
4. Do you like to spend time by yourself?
5. What do you find stressful in your work/ studies?
6. What can you do to calm down someone who is very upset?
7. What things really irritate you?
8. Do you think it’s important to have a positive attitude?
35. Daily Routine
1. What things do you do at the same time every day?
2. What is your morning routine?
3. Are you a morning person?
4. How long does it take you to get to work/ school every day?
5. What is your favourite time of day?
6. What do you like to do in the evenings after work/ school?
7. Do you like to sleep more on weekends?
8. Do you have any bad habits you would like to stop?
36. Getting Ill
1. Have you ever had a serious illness?
2. What do you think is the most common illness in your country?
3. How do you usually deal with minor illnesses, such as a cold or flu?
4. What do you think are the main causes of illness in your country?
5. Do you think it's important to have regular check-ups with a doctor?
6. Have you ever had to take medicine for a long period of time?
7. Have you ever had to take care of someone who was ill? If so, how did you help them?
8. Do you think there are any alternative methods of treating illness that are effective?"
37. Dealing with Problems
1. What do you do when you face a problem in your daily life?
2. What difficult things do you have to deal with at work or in your studies?
3. What are some common problems people face in their daily lives?
4. How often do you discuss problems with friends or family ?
5. What would you do if you had a medical problem?
6. Do you make important decisions quickly or slowly?
7. Have you ever faced a difficult problem that you couldn't solve on your own?
8. Have you ever helped a stranger with something?
38. Parks & Gardens
1. Are there many parks in your town/ city?
2. How often do you visit parks?
3. What activities do people like to do in parks?
4. What is the best park or garden you have ever visited?
5. Do you enjoy gardening?
6. Does anyone in your family have a nice garden?
7. Is it popular to grow your own fruit or vegetables in your country?
8. Do you like flowers? What is your favourite?
39. Books
1. What type of books do you enjoy reading?
2. How much time do you spend reading each week?
3. Do you prefer physical books or digital books? Why?
4. Can you tell me about a book that had a big impact on you?
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
6. What steps do you take to choose a book to read?
7. Have you ever read a book in a different language? How was the experience?
8. Can you recommend a book that you think everyone should read?
40. Diets & Eating Habits
1. What is your typical daily diet like?
2. What are some of your favourite foods?
3. Have you ever followed a specific diet plan?
4. What would you like to change about your eating habits?
5. What is your favourite vegetable?
6. Do you eat the same things as when you were a child?
7. What foods are popular in your country?
8. Do people in your country have healthy diets?
41. Advice & Decisions
1. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received and why?
2. Do you prefer to discuss problems with friends or family?
3. What’s the best advice you’ve ever given someone else?
4. How do you handle situations where you need to give advice to others?
5. What is a very important decision you have made?
6. How would your life be different if you had made a different decision?
7. Could you give an example of a decision that you regret?
8. Did you ever get help from a professional before making an important decision?
42. Cooking
1. How often do you cook at home?
2. What's your favourite dish to cook and why?
3. What's your favourite ingredient to use in cooking and why?
4. Do you usually cook healthy food?
5. Do you enjoy trying new recipes and experimenting with cooking?
6. Who is the best cook in your family?
7. How important do you think it is to have basic cooking skills?
8. Are TV shows about cooking popular in your country?
43. Music
1. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
2. How does music impact your mood and emotions?
3. Do you play any musical instruments or sing?
4. What's your favourite musical artist or band and why?
5. How do you usually listen to music (e.g. on the radio, streaming services, etc.)?
6. Have you ever attended a live musical performance?
7. What kind of music is popular in your country right now?
8. Do you like any traditional music from your country?
44. Shopping
1.How often do you go shopping?
2. What do you usually go shopping for (e.g. clothes, groceries, electronics, etc.)?
3. Do you prefer shopping in physical stores or online?
4. What factors influence your decision to shop at a certain store or location?
5. What's your favourite item to buy when you go shopping and why?
6. How do you typically pay for your purchases (e.g. cash, credit card, etc.)?
7. Have you ever encountered any issues or challenges while shopping?
8. Do you like shopping alone or with others? Why?
45. Photography
1. Do you enjoy taking photos?
2. What do you like to take photos of?
3. What kind of camera do you use?
4. Is it necessary to have an expensive camera to take good photographs?
5. How do you store and organise your photos?
6. Have you ever taken any photography classes or workshops? If so, what did you learn?
7. Do you like to take photos with your family?
8. Should you always ask for permission before taking a photo of somebody?
46. School
1. Did you enjoy your time at school?
2. What subjects did you like the most at school?
3. What kind of school did you go to (e.g. public, private, international, etc.)?
4. Did you have any favourite teachers? If so, what made them special to you?
5. What was the most challenging aspect of your school experience?
6. Were you well-behaved at school?
7. Did you take any extracurricular activities or clubs at school?
8. Did you need to take exams or tests at school?
47. Gifts
1. Do you like to give or receive gifts?
2. Do you remember any gifts you received as a child?
3. What is the most thoughtful gift you have ever given to someone else?
4. Do you have any traditions for giving gifts in your culture or family?
5. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given or received?
6. Have you ever given a present that you received to someone else?
7. Is it important to give gifts on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays?
8. Have you ever given a gift to someone and been disappointed with their reaction?
48. Parties
1. Do you like to attend parties?
2. Have you ever been to a surprise party?
3. What is the most memorable party you have ever been to?
4. Do you prefer to host or attend parties?
5. Do you prefer parties with friends or family?
6. Have you ever been to a school or work party?
7. What kind of music do you like to listen to at parties?
8. Have you ever had to leave a party early? Why did you have to leave?
49. Art
1. Do you enjoy visiting art galleries or museums?
2. Have you ever been to see a play at a theatre?
3. What is your favourite type of art?
4. Have you ever created any art, such as painting or drawing?
5. What is the most interesting piece of art you have ever seen?
6. Do you think art is important for society?
6. Did you study art at school?
8. How has your appreciation for art changed over the years?
50. Celebrities
1. Who is your favourite celebrity and why do you admire them?
2. Are people in your country very interested in celebrities?
3. In your country, what are some popular ways for people to become famous?
4. Have you ever felt envious of someone who is famous? Why or why not?
5. How would you react if you met a movie star in real life?
6. Would you like to appear in a TV series or film?
7. Do you think it’s difficult to be famous?
8. Have you ever attended an event or concert where a famous person was performing?
Give two or three sentence answers
You don’t need to say a lot in this part of the test, but never answer with just ‘yes’ or ‘no’. You can add a reason, an example or some details.
Give a reason
Extend you answer with because + a reason why you do/ like/ play etc. something.
Give an example
You can also extend your answer by saying when you did something and giving a few details.
Add a detail
Add more detail about what you like, do etc. with phrases such as "I especially like..." or "my favourite..."
Listen carefully to the question
That way, you will definitely answer the question in the right way. If you’re unsure about the question, it’s ok to ask the examiner to repeat or clarify it.
Don’t memorise answers
It’s usually very obvious that you memorised the answer. But, you should practise a lot, especially common topics.
Listen to the tense used in the question
Make sure you reply using the right tense; past simple, present perfect, present simple etc.
Avoid repeating the same vocabulary or phrases
For example, instead of saying “I really love…”, you could say “I’m a big fan of…”.
Focus on fluency
Speaking fluency is as important as vocabulary and grammar. Try to avoid hesitation, and if you can’t think of the perfect word, don’t worry and say it another way.
Speak clearly
It’s better to speak very clearly than very fast. Focus on speaking clearly and with good pronunciation.
Give your opinion
You can give your opinion with phrases such as, "in my opinion", "in my view", or "as far as I'm concerned".
Use the present perfect
You can say how long you have been doing something, or mention an experience you have had.
Create compound sentences
Two clause sentences with a conjunction will help you reach the advanced bands.
Use conditionals
Show off a wide range of grammar if possible. Perhaps add a phrase such as, "if I had more free time, I would do it more often".
Use phrasal verbs
These are common in informal speech and so they're ideal for part 1. For example, you could use "came over" instead of "visited me".
Use synonyms
Use different words whenever possible. So, don't repeat, "I love...", instead say "I'm a big fan of" or "I really enjoy..." or "I'm really fond of..."
Use context specific words
Words related to the context show the examiner you can speak about a wide range of topics. So, use context specific words if you can.
Use strong adjectives
Strong adjectives can add colour to your answer. So, instead of "it's good", say it's fantastic, delicious or breathtaking.
Use a variety of adverbs
Try not to repeat the same adverb all the time. You can use very, really, extremely, quite or with strong adjectives, absolutely and totally.
Stay calm and positive
It’s hard to judge your own test, so stay calm and positive. It can only help!