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Extreme experiences can be useful in IELTS as you may be asked about exciting activities you've done. Question about holidays and outdoor activities could also connect to this topic.


Speaking Test Model Answers

Extreme Experiences - IELTS Speaking Test Model Answers

IELTS Topic title image. Background image representing topic, and text stating topic title.
1. Have you ever done an extreme sport? Would you like to?

I've never done an extreme sport, but I'd love to try skydiving someday.  Although I imagine I would be terrified while going up in the plane, I’m sure I would get a rush from jumping out, and then flying through the air would be exhilarating.

2. What kind of food do you think is absolutely delicious?

I’m crazy about beef noodle soup. It's my favourite comfort food; I love the mouthwatering combination of beef, noodles, and broth.

3. What is the best trip or journey you have made?

I went on an incredible road trip several years ago. We drove along the coast and saw one enchanting view after another. One of the highlights was waking up early and watching the sun rise over the sea. The colours were so vibrant.

4. What things make you very happy?

I adore the great outdoors, so I jump at the chance to spend time in nature, especially by the sea or in the mountains.

5. Have you ever been really scared?

Yes, I have been. I remember being scared stiff when I got lost in the forest while hiking with a friend. It got dark and as we didn’t have a torch, we had to spend the night in the forest. It was a dreadful experience!

6. Where is the hottest or coldest place you have been?

Well, actually, my hometown is absolutely boiling in the summer - sometimes it can reach 40 degrees. During one heat wave a few years ago it was 43 degrees! It was horrible!

7. What really annoys you?

One thing that drives me crazy is when people drive very dangerously. I often see people do really stupid things on the roads. I wish these people would be more careful.


00:00 / 02:02

Model Answer:

One really memorable time is a blissful day I spent on the beach when I was on holiday in Thailand.

I was staying in a villa right beside the sea on the Thai island of Koh Lipe. I remember waking up on the first morning of my holiday feeling euphoric to be in such an enchanting place. The weather was beautiful so I decided to go for a walk on the beach and look at the stunning scenery. The water was crystal clear and there was golden sand on the beach. I went for a paddle in the sea, which was lovely and warm.

A bit later my husband met me on the beach and we spent the rest of the day relaxing, swimming, reading books and chilling out. We were both in a really good mood and feeling totally content.

Later in the day, we had an amazing meal and indulged in a huge dish of fresh seafood, which we both adore. It was absolutely delicious. I think it was one of the best days of my life, and I remember thinking that I would cherish the memories of the trip for the rest of my life.


Describe a time you were very happy.

You should say:

  • where you were

  • who you were with

  • what happened

  • and explain why you felt this way

00:00 / 01:18


1. Why do some people like to do dangerous sports?

Some people, especially young people, enjoy doing sports that are risky because they find them so thrilling. For example, snowboarding is quite a dangerous sport and it’s easy to break your ankle or leg, but a lot of people are crazy about it. I think they enjoy the speed and they get a rush from doing it. In other words, it’s the fact that they are so exhilarating that makes these dangerous sports so popular.

2. Would it be better to live in a very hot country or a very cold country?

I think it depends on the person. Some people can’t stand cold weather while others hate hot weather. A friend of mine really doesn’t like hot sunny weather and much prefers winter. His idea of perfect weather is snow and temperatures below zero. I think he finds the cold weather invigorating. Personally, I like warm weather much more than cold weather, so I would choose to live in a country where it’s boiling rather than freezing.

3. Is the food in some countries much better than in others?

Yes, to be honest I think the food in some countries is much better than in others. For example France and Italy have amazing cuisine, and so does Thailand. I love Indian food too. On the other hand I’m not crazy about the food in my country. Local dishes are quite bland, and so I usually prefer foreign dishes.

4. Should people be punished for antisocial behaviour?

That’s a difficult question. On the one hand, I don’t like fines for small things. People should know how to behave without the police being involved. However, perhaps the only way to stop antisocial behaviour is to punish people. If, for instance, people were fined for doing things like littering or being really obnoxious and noisy, then they would be much more likely to stop doing it.

5. Can people learn to control their fear?

Yes, I think even when a person is scared stiff of something they can overcome the fear and deal with it, but it’s not easy and takes a lot of time and effort. So for example, if you’re terrified of spiders, by spending a lot of time with spiders you get used to them and this reduces your fear. Another example is public speaking. Normally people who haven’t spoken in front of an audience before are really anxious before they do it. But with experience, they get used to it and it becomes much easier.

6. How can technology help us remember special events?

Well, I think if you really cherish a memory, you probably won’t forget it, but it’s still nice to reminisce from time to time and technology can definitely help. Probably the best way is to take a photo or video during the event. You can upload it to social media or you can store it on your phone or computer, and look at it from time to time. Some people also like to print the photo, and put it in a picture frame. Then they can display the photo in their home and remember it each time they look at it. That way it will be really unforgettable.

00:00 / 03:20


Topic Vocabulary:

adore (verb)

Definition: To have a deep affection or love for someone or something.

Example: I adore reading great books.

be crazy about (idiom)

Definition: To really like or enjoy something.

Example: She's crazy about playing the guitar and practices for hours every day.

blissful (adjective)

Definition: Extremely happy.

Example: Walking on the sandy beach during sunset was a blissful experience.

boiling (adjective)

Definition: Very hot.

Example: It was boiling outside so I stayed at home and turned on the air conditioning.

cherish (verb)

Definition: To consider something very special or important.

Example: The trip to the beach with my grandparents is a memory that I cherish.

dreadful (adjective)

Definition: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or serious.

Example: The weather was dreadful, with heavy rain and strong winds making it difficult to go outside.

drive you crazy (idiom)

Definition: To make someone feel very annoyed, frustrated, or overwhelmed.

Example: The constant noise from construction next door is driving me crazy.

enchanting (adjective)

Definition: Really interesting or fascinating in a magical or delightful way.

Example: The enchanting melody of the music transported me to a magical place.

euphoric (adjective)

Definition: Feeling intense happiness.

Example: The Argentinian football fans were euphoric when their team won the World Cup.

exhilarating (adjective)

Definition: Making you feel very happy and full of positive energy.

Example: The roller coaster ride was exhilarating.

get a rush (idiom)

Definition: To get a sudden intense feeling of excitement.

Example: The skydive gave me a big rush.

highlight (noun [c])

Definition: The most important or memorable part.

Example: The fireworks display was the highlight of the evening.

indulge (verb)

Definition: To allow oneself to enjoy or do something pleasurable or satisfying, often in excess.

Example: I decided to indulge myself with a big piece of chocolate cake.

invigorating (adjective)

Definition: Something that makes you feel more awake, energised, and refreshed.

Example: He takes a cold shower in the morning because he finds it invigorating.

jump at the chance (idiom)

Definition: To eagerly and quickly accept an opportunity.

Example: When he was offered a trip to Paris, he jumped at the chance to go.

memorable (adjective)

Definition: Very difficult to forget.

Example: The speech was both heartfelt and memorable.

obnoxious (adjective)

Definition: Annoying, offensive, or unpleasant in behaviour or manner.

Example: The drunk man was loud and obnoxious.

scared stiff (idiom)

Definition: Extremely scared.

Example: I was scared stiff by a loud bang in the middle of the night.

thrilling (adjective)

Definition: Causing a strong feeling of excitement or exhilaration.

Example: There were some thrilling scenes in the movie.

unforgettable (adjective)

Definition: Impossible to forget.

Example: The view the mountain summit was unforgettable.

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