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19. Celebrations

IELTS Reading Test

Reading Passage:

A Whale of a Time: The Hermanus Whale Festival


The Hermanus Whale Festival is an annual celebration of the return of the southern right whales to the region. It is the only eco-marine festival in the world and has grown from humble beginnings 32 years ago to attract 75,000 – 130,000 visitors annually over a 3-day period. It takes place at the end of September, which is the peak of whale activity in the region. The festival is a tribute to the legacy left to the town by Wendy the Whale, whose story is about man’s ability to live in harmony with nature as well as how community spirit can be important to the protection of the environment.


Wendy the Whale was a lone female southern right whale who was beached on the shore of Hermanus, a small fishing town in South Africa, in the 1930s. The townspeople came together to help release her back into the sea, and year after year, she returned to the same cove near Hermanus. The village folk soon considered her as one of the family and fondly named her Wendy. She often played near the cliffs and danced through the waves with her offspring, and eventually, a house called Wendy Cottage was built on the edge of the cliffs. Nowadays, Hermanus is regarded as the best place in the world to watch whales from land. With her annual return, Wendy the Whale initiated a whale-watching industry that has turned into a crucial part of the heritage of Hermanus. The Hermanus Whale Festival, which is held every year to celebrate the return of the southern right whales, grew out of this legacy and aims to honour it.


The festival is focused on raising awareness of how to protect the whales and all marine wildlife who share the coastal waters. There is a wide range of eco and marine-related environmental exhibitions and stalls, and the heartbeat of the festival, the Eco-Marine Tent, has become the festival’s biggest attraction. Informative and entertaining, with a focused appeal to children, adults, and anyone who cares about preserving our ocean wildlife, the tent offers a chance to learn about marine life and how to protect it.


The festival includes a spectacular street parade, bustling markets with street vendors selling the work of local artisans, great food, educational marine displays, lots of children’s entertainment, and live music. There is also a focus on sports activities with various events happening alongside the festival. T he Whale Festival Fun Run at Wildekrans Wine Estate is one such event. The run is open to all ages and fitness levels and takes place on a scenic route through the vineyards of Wildekrans Wine Estate.


The Whale Festival also hosts a vintage car show, which is a popular attraction for car enthusiasts. Vintage cars are generally considered to be cars from the period of 1919 to 1930, and they are often sought after by car enthusiasts and collectors. The vintage car show at the Hermanus Whale Festival is a chance for visitors to see some of these classic cars up close and learn about their history. The vintage car show is usually held in a designated area, and visitors can walk around and admire the cars on display. The show is a great opportunity for car enthusiasts to connect with other like-minded individuals and share their passion for classic cars.


The festival is a family-friendly and highly anticipated event that gives everyone the opportunity to experience a natural wonder, while also enjoying a range of other events and entertainment put on by the organisers. Thanks to Wendy the Whale, the kind locals that saved her, and the hard work of the organisers, the Whale Festival at Hermanus has become a celebration that is known around the world and which grows in popularity with every year that goes by.

Questions 1-6

The reading passage has six paragraphs A-F.

Which paragraph mentions the following?

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. exhibiting creations by talented local craftsmen

2. Wendy the Whale playing with her children

3. educating people about sea life

4. the chance to meet people with similar interests

5. when the event is held

6. a whale getting stuck on a beach

Questions 7-10

Complete the sentences below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

The Hermanus Whale Festival is an annual eco-marine celebration of southern right whales' return, with 75,000 to 130,000 7__________ coming to the event over three days. Wendy the Whale, a beloved figure, inspired the event by her annual return to Hermanus. The festival combines environmental 8____________, an amazing street 9____________, lively artisan 10____________, marine displays, and family-friendly entertainment. Additionally, it hosts a popular vintage car show for enthusiasts. Wendy's legacy and community effort have made the festival a global attraction, emphasising harmony with nature and environmental protection.

Reading Answer Key:

1. D, 2. B, 3. C, 4. E, 5. A, 6. B, 7. visitors, 8. exhibitions, 9. parade, 10. markets

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