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Prepare for IELTS by Topic

Below you'll find IELTS style questions arranged by topic, with links to answers/ model answers. The aim of these materials is to help you become become better at answering IELTS style questions on topics that often appear in the test. You will also find key vocabulary from the model answers, with definitions and examples, along with vocabulary exercises to help you memorise the new words and phrases. The model answers are at bands 8 - 9, with correct collocations, and natural English, including idiomatic language where appropriate.

Some people think that outdoor activities are more beneficial for children’s development than playing computer games.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Listening: The history of rambling in the UK (IELTS Listening Part 4)

Reading: The Importance of Outdoor Activities for Kids

Speaking Part 2: Describe an outdoor activity you like to do.

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Recommendation Letter (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people prefer to eat at restaurants, whereas others prefer to eat home-made food. 

Which do you prefer?

Listening: Work experience presentation (IELTS Listening Part 3)

Reading: The Past and Future of Fine Dining

Speaking Part 2: Describe a restaurant you enjoyed going to.

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Feedback to Company Letter (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

It is generally agreed that family relationships are not as close as they were in the past. 

Explain why you think this has happened and suggest how family relationships could be made closer.

Listening: Holiday camp booking (IELTS Listening Part 1)

Reading: Family Transformations: From Traditional to Chosen

Speaking Part 2: Describe a person in your family who you admire.

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Thank-you letter to friend (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Problem & Solution Essay

Some people believe that you should judge others on their appearance, while others think that appearance is not important.

What is your opinion?

Listening: Research into first impressions (IELTS Listening Part 4)

Reading: Never Constant - Beauty Through the Ages

Speaking Part 2: Describe a famous person who you think is beautiful/ handsome.

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Apology letter to Boss (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people believe that governments should invest more in trains, while others argue that it is more important to improve the roads.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Listening: Excel driving school (IELTS Listening Part 1)

Reading: A Better Way to Travel

Speaking Part 2: Describe a time you had a problem while driving.

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Letter to Official (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Discuss both views and give your opinion

Some people believe that money is the most important factor in achieving happiness.

Do you agree or disagree?

Listening: Microfinance in Africa (IELTS Listening Part 4)

Reading: The Evolution of Money

Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when you saved some money to buy something special

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Thank-you letter to friend (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Schools should focus on academic subjects and stop teaching physical education.

To what extent do you agree?

Listening: Hamilton Park sports facilities (IELTS Listening Part 2)

Reading: Politics and Sport: A Complex Dance of Power and Passion

Speaking Part 2: Describe a sport you enjoy watching on TV

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Letter to Friend (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people argue that we are born with a fixed personality while others argue that we develop our personality because of our experiences.

What do you think is the most important factor?

Listening: Presentation on national stereotypes (IELTS Listening Part 3)

Reading: The Art and Science of First Impressions

Speaking Part 2: Describe a person who you admire

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Invitation Letter (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people enjoy holidays which include many exciting activities, while others prefer a relaxing holiday by the beach.

Which do you think is better?

Listening: Call to rafting agency (IELTS Listening Part 1)

Reading: My 7 Most Unforgettable Travel Experiences

Speaking Part 2: Describe a time you were very happy

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Asking for Advice (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people work very hard to make their dreams come true, while others are happy with what they already have.

Do you think people should chase their dreams?

Listening: Report on goal-setting theory (IELTS Listening Part 3)

Reading: The Power of Dreams

Speaking Part 2: Describe an aim or goal that you hope to achieve in the future

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Asking for Suggestions (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Children these days spend too much time studying and don’t spend enough time having fun.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Listening: Nursery school open morning (IELTS Listening Part 2)

Reading: The Changing Demands on Parents and Their Kids

Speaking Part 2: Describe a happy childhood memory

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Letter to School (Formal/ Semi-formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some countries are making serious efforts to reduce global warming. 

Do you believe that all countries should do the same?

Listening: Droughts in the U.S.A. (IELTS Listening Part 4)

Reading: The Challenges of Protecting Animal Habitats

Speaking Part 2: Describe an environmental problem or event

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Complaint Letter (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Listening: Presentation by Bathroom Bunnies CEO (IELTS Listening Part 2)

Reading: The Digital Shift: The Challenge Facing Traditional Retailers

Speaking Part 2: Describe a small business you would like to start

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Letter of Interest (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places like libraries, shops and on public transport.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Listening: Truephone customer services call (IELTS Listening Part 1)

Reading: Smartphones - Blessing or Curse?

Speaking Part 2: Describe a thing that you possess that is important to you

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Lost Item Letter (Semi-formal/ Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

People are often less polite these days than they were in the past.

What are the reasons for this?

How can this problem be fixed?

Listening: Student assignment on manners & etiquette (IELTS Listening Part 2)

Reading: Manners Through the Ages

Speaking Part 2: Describe a polite person you know

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Apology Letter (Semi-formal/ Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Problem & Solution

What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising children in a small town?

Listening: Tansworth town walking tour (IELTS Listening Part 1)

Reading: Nostalgia's Embrace: The Timeless Attraction of Small Town Living

Speaking Part 2: Describe your hometown

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Invitation Letter (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Advantages & Dsiadvantages

In some countries university education is provided free of charge to students while in others students are required to pay large fees.

In your opinion, is it better to charge students for higher education?

Listening: Foreign student orientation meeting (IELTS Listening Part 2)

Reading: The Debate on Free University/College Education

Speaking Part 2: Talk about a subject you studied

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Letter to university Principal (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

In some countries people prefer to rent accommodation while in others people prefer to buy their home.

In your opinion, is it better to rent or own your home?

Listening: Housing in ancient Rome (IELTS Listening Part 4)

Reading: A Glimpse into the Future of Home Design

Speaking Part 2: Describe a home that you visited that you liked

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Email to Landlord (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Some people think we should make children take part in traditional festivals and celebrations.

Do you agree?

Listening: Bonfire night in the U.K. (IELTS Listening Part 4)

Reading: A Whale of a Time: The Hermanus Whale Festival

Speaking Part 2: Describe an important festival in your county

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Invitation Letter to Friend (Informal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Opinion Essay

Unemployment is often a serious problem in societies.

What are the causes of unemployment?

What solutions are there to this problem?

Listening: Report on working from home (IELTS Listening Part 3)

Reading: How Technology Is Reshaping Our Professional Lives

Speaking Part 2: Describe a job you have had

Writing Task 1 Assignment: Letter of Interest (Formal)

Writing Task 2 Assignment: Discuss both your views and give your opinion

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