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General Training Writing Task 1


Informal Letters

1. Recommendation Letter (Informal)

A foreign friend is going to visit your country on holiday. She has asked you to recommend a beautiful place to visit.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

  • say where she should visit

  • describe how she can get there

  • say what she can do while she is there

  • and say why she will enjoy it

3. Invitation Letter (Informal)

You are organising a family event for your grandmother’s 90th birthday. You want to invite your cousin. Write an email to your cousin.

In your letter:

  • say why you are organising the family event

  • give details about when and where it will take place

  • explain why it is important to attend

7. Letter to Friend (Informal)

You play on a sports team with some friends. One of your friends missed a match because he was in hospital. Write a letter to your friend to tell him about the match.

In your letter:

  • tell him/ her the result of the match

  • describe what the conditions were like

  • say how you felt about the match

8. Letter to Friend (Informal)

You are writing a letter to a friend describing a new colleague at work and asking for advice on how to get along with him/ her.

In your letter, you should say:

  • describe your colleague

  • explain why it is difficult to get along with him/her

  • and ask for advice on how to build a good relationship

9. Letter to Friend (Informal)

You recently had an exciting experience and you want to tell your friend about it. Write a letter to your friend describing the experience.

In your letter, you should say:

  • explain what the experience was

  • describe why it was so exciting

  • share your feelings during the experience

  • invite your friend to join you for a similar adventure

16. Advice to Friend Letter (Informal)

A foreign friend is going to move to your hometown and has asked for your advice about living in the town. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

  • suggest a good part of the city to live in

  • explain what public transport there is

  • and say what there is to do in the city

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