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General Training Writing Task 1


Formal Letters

2. Complaint Letter (Formal)

You went for dinner at a local restaurant but the meal was disappointing. You would like to complain to the restaurant manager.

Write a letter to the manager. In your letter:

  • explain why you decided to eat at the restaurant

  • describe the problems

  • say what you would like the manager to do

5. Letter to Editor (Formal)

Your city government wants to turn the city centre into a pedestrian only area. You have decided to write a letter to your local newspaper editor.

In your letter you should say:

  • why you are writing

  • if you agree or disagree with the government’s decision

  • why it is a good/ bad idea for the city

11. Letter of Interest (Formal)

You are looking for a part-time job at a children’s summer camp. Write a letter to the manager of the summer camp.

In your letter:

  • introduce yourself

  • explain what experience and special skills you have

  • tell him/ her when you think you could start

12. Complaint Letter (Formal)

You are worried about an environmental issue in the area where you live. Write a letter to the local authorities expressing your concerns and suggesting possible solutions.

You should:

  • clearly describe the environmental problem you observed

  • explain why this issue is important

  • suggest specific actions that could be taken to address the problem

13. Letter to Event Organiser (Formal)

You recently attended a business conference in a foreign country. Write a letter to the organiser of the conference.

In your letter:

  • thank them for organising the event.

  • say what you liked about the conference

  • provide feedback on any improvements that could be made

14. Reporting Problem Letter (Formal)

You recently purchased a mobile phone, but you are experiencing some issues with it. Write a letter to the customer service department of the company from which you bought the phone.

In your letter:

  • describe the problem with the mobile phone

  • explain how this issue is affecting you

  • ask the company to fix the problem

17. Request Leave Letter (Formal)

You are currently taking a course at a university but you will need to take a week off. Write a letter to the university Principal.

In your letter:

  • say what course you are on

  • explain why you have to take a week off

  • and say what you would like the Principal to do

18. Complaint Letter (Formal)

You are doing a language course in a foreign country. Your accommodation was organised by the course provider. There is a major problem with the accommodation. Write a letter to the course provider.

You should:

  • say what the problem is

  • describe the accommodation you were expecting

  • ask the course provider to solve the problem

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