Grammatical Range: Using while, although and however to combine contrasting views
While & Although
You can use the adverbs while and although to combine two contrasting ideas into one sentence. This is particularly useful in two situations:
1. In your essay introduction, to summarise two contrasting main ideas
For example:
Global warming is an existential threat that is currently facing the world. Some countries have taken a number of measures to combat this problem, but the question remains whether all nations should do the same. From my perspective, while all countries need to be involved in reducing global warming, richer countries must take the lead in promoting the use of sustainable practices and technologies.
This statement shows the contrast between "all countries need to be involved" and "richer countries must take the lead". In the first clause we talk about all countries, while in the second we specify a smaller group of countries, thus the contrast.
Using although or while in this way is really useful if you want to discuss two views, or the advantages and disadvantages. This could be because the question directly asks you to discuss both sides/ advantages and disadvantages, or because you partially agree with two views.
2. In your body paragraphs, to show an alternative point of view.
For example:
Rich, developed countries, where living standards are already high, must take responsibility for developing the technologies we need to fight climate change. These countries have the resources and scientific expertise necessary to carry out the research and development of these technologies. Although poorer countries should certainly contribute resources, and scientific knowledge, they cannot be expected to bear the majority of the cost of such development when they are still striving to improve very low living standards among a large section of their populations.
Showing an ability to look at the alternative point of view is a great way to score a high band in IELTS. By using these contrast adverbs, you can make a 'concession statement' in your body paragraph. A concession statement recognises an alternative point of view, a view which contrasts with your own. With this approach, you don't need to write a full body paragraph about the view you don't support, you can simply make one or two concession statements. This works well if you are not directly asked to discuss both views or both advantages and disadvantages by the IELTS question.
You can also use however to show contrast between two ideas in the same way as while and although. But, however must go between the two contrasting ideas, and when we use however, we usually begin a new sentence.
All countries need to be involved in reducing global warming. However, richer countries must take the lead in promoting the use of sustainable practices and technologies.
NB: you should always put a comma after however.
Exercise 1:
Combine the two ideas into one sentence by using 'while' or 'although'
Example: to be effective, all countries need to fight against global warming/ richer countries should do more to develop new sustainable technologies
Answer: while all countries need to be involved in reducing global warming, richer countries must take the lead in promoting the use of sustainable practices and technologies
1. reducing pollution will hurt the world economy/ it is necessary to protect the planet for future generations
2. solar power is very effective in places with a lot of sunshine/ in less sunny climates it is very inefficient
3. humanity needs to become less reliant on fossil fuels/ fossil fuels are the cheapest form of energy
4. every government has important problems to fix at home/ governments must direct more funds towards the international fight against climate change
5. there is a need for more housing for the growing world population/ we must protect areas of natural beauty so that they can be enjoyed by future generations
Exercise 2:
Combine the sentences in 1 - 3 in exercise 1, but this time, use 'however'.
Brainstorm some ideas for and against the statements in the IELTS questions below. Then, for each question, write a thesis statement that combines your opinion with a contrast statement. Remember, you can only do this if you give contrasting points of view in the thesis statement.
Example Question: Some countries are making serious efforts to reduce global warming. Do you believe that all countries should do the same?
Answer: From my perspective, while all countries need to be involved in reducing global warming, richer countries must take the lead in promoting the use of sustainable practices and technologies.
1. While many people believe that carbon emissions are the most serious environmental problem currently, others think that deforestation causes more damage to the planet. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
2. The need for housing for growing populations means that public parks and green spaces should be used for building residential areas. To what extent do you agree?
3. Governments spend large amounts of money on protecting the environment, when this money could be better spent on solving fundamental problems in society such as poverty and homelessness. What is your opinion?
4. Some people believe that only governments can address environmental issues while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to tackle these problems. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
5. Global environmental problems can only be dealt with internationally rather than domestically. To what extent do you agree?
Exercise Answer Key:
Exercise 1:
1. While/ Although reducing pollution will hurt the world economy, it is necessary to protect the planet for future generations.
2. While/ Although solar power is very effective in places with a lot of sunshine, in less sunny climates it is very inefficient.
3. While/ Although humanity needs to become less reliant on fossil fuels, they are the cheapest form of energy.
4. While/ Although every government has important problems to fix at home, governments must direct more funds towards the international fight against climate change.
5. While/ Although there is a need for more housing for the growing world population, we must protect areas of natural beauty so that they can be enjoyed by future generations.
Exercise 2:
1. Reducing pollution will hurt the world economy. However, it is necessary to protect the planet for future generations.
2. Solar power is very effective in places with a lot of sunshine. However, in less sunny climates it is very inefficient.
3. Humanity needs to become less reliant on fossil fuels, However, they are the cheapest form of energy.