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Introductions 2: Outlining main ideas

Once you have paraphrased the IELTS Writing Task 2 question, the next step is to outline (summarise) your main ideas.  Outline your ideas in one or two sentences. You can also combine your opinion with your outline.


It is generally agreed that family relationships are not as close as they were in the past.
Explain why you think this has happened and suggest how family relationships could be made closer.

Main Idea 1: Changes in society make it harder to maintain close relationships.

Main Idea 2: People should make more effort to foster family relationships.

Outline: In my opinion this could be the result of changes in society that have made it harder for people to spend quality time with family members. In order to address this problem, it’s important that people make more effort to stay in touch with family, and they can leverage modern communication devices and applications to do this.



Look at the following IELTS question and then look at the way four candidates outlined their ideas in their introduction. Match the examiner comments below with the candidates’ outlines.

Question: The values we learn from our family have more influence over our future success than anything we learn at school.

Do you agree or disagree?

Outline 1: I completely agree for two reasons. At home we learn the good habits of discipline and hard work, as well as communication and interpersonal skills from our parents. These skills have a greater impact on our success or failure in life than anything we learn in the school classroom.

Outline 2: This is a complex question. In this essay I will look at both sides of the question.

Outline 3: Relationships in the family play a huge role in the way children develop and therefore have a big influence on their future success. Likewise school is critically important, as this academic preparation is necessary to find a high-paying job.

Outline 4: Families are a very important part of our society. Without them society would cease to function effectively. However, over the years, family structures have been changing. While in the past most people lived in large extended families, these days it's common for children to grow up as an only child and to rarely see other relatives.

Comment A: This introduction does not answer the question directly. The writers views are not shown, and the ideas that are presented do not relate directly to the family's influence on a child's future success.

Comment B: The candidate has not outlined her position in the introduction. Instead, the candidate has used a generic statement. The candidate therefore missed an opportunity to show her English language skills and her position remains unclear.

Comment C: The candidate has clearly shown his position and has effectively outlined the main ideas of the essay.

Comment D: This outline presents two main ideas effectively, however it does not present the candidates opinion even though the question requires it.


Outline the main ideas for your introduction for the following IELTS Writing Task 2 questions. Include a relevant opinion if required by the question. Try to use synonyms and parallel phrases and not repeat the language given in the main ideas.

i. In many modern societies, grandchildren rarely spend any quality time with their grandparents. What do you think are the consequences of this?

Main Idea 1: Weaker family bonds between generations.

Main Idea 2: Many old people spend too much time alone.

ii. Some people think that the role of parents is to teach them about right and wrong. Other people believe that the main role of parents is to nurture their children and provide them with a safe environment to grow up in. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Opinion: Partially agree

Main Idea 1: Children are most strongly influenced by their parents, especially when very young.

Main Idea 2: Children's primary need is safety, both physically and psychologically.

iii. In most modern families both parents work and as a result children spend less time with them. What is the reason for this? What problems can this cause?

Main Idea 1: High cost of living makes it necessary for both parents to work.

Main Idea 1: Children are less disciplined and can develop bad habits.

iv. In the past, the older generation were a source of knowledge and experience. Nowadays, the older generation are unable to give useful advice because they have little understanding of the modern world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Opinion: Partially agree

Main Idea 1: In the past the experience of the elderly was more relevant to young people and therefore important.

Main Idea 2: However, younger generations can still benefit from the wisdom of the elderly.

Exercise Answer Key:

Outline 1 - Comment C

Outline 2 - Comment B

Outline 3 - Comment D

Outline 4 - Comment A

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