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Body Paragraphs 1: Topic sentences

A topic sentence is the first sentence of a body paragraph. It immediately tells the reader what the central topic (main idea) of the paragraph is.

To reach band 7 or higher in IELTS Writing Task 2 for Coherence & Cohesion you should have a clear central topic in each body paragraph of your essay (see IELTS Writing Task 2 band descriptors - Band 7: Coherence & Cohesion). For this reason, good topic sentences, which tell the reader what the central topic of the paragraph will be, are really important.

Topic sentences should describe the main idea of the body paragraph in a general way. You should not give too much detail at this point. The detail follows later in the paragraph.

To create a good topic sentence you need to organise your ideas first. After organising your ideas, you will know what the main idea of the paragraph will be, and what details you will add to develop and extend this main idea.

Let’s look at an example of an IELTS Writing Task 2 question and the notes a candidate made while planning. 

Some people believe that public parks play an important role in a city, while others argue that they are a waste of taxpayer money.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Candidate's Notes:

The candidate has lots of good ideas, so the question is, what will she choose as the main idea and what will be the sub-ideas to develop and extend it.

Let’s focus on why parks are important. The candidate has several ideas, so how can she group these under a main idea?

Looking at these ideas, she could focus on a few things:

How parks are important for health.
How parks encourage people to be more active.
How parks provide space for outdoor activities.

The first two ideas are good but the third idea seems more like a sub-idea. It could be used to support either of the two previous ideas.

I actually like the first idea the most, as it’s more general. So, the candidate could organise the paragraph like this:

Topic sentence (main idea): Parks are an important investment in any city because they help people to be more healthy.
Sub-idea A: They provide a space for outdoor activities such as sports, walking & games (physical health)
Sub-idea B: They help people to relax and connect with nature (mental health)

Notice that our topic sentence begins by telling the reader why parks are important in a general way. We then have sub–ideas which can develop this main idea.

So how would the whole paragraph look? Perhaps like this:

Parks are an important investment in any city because they help people to be more healthy. These green spaces provide city residents with a place where they can go for a walk or bike ride, play sport, or in the case of children, run around and play games. In today’s world, where our lives are becoming more sedentary, helping people to be more physically active is crucial. Furthermore, parks play a role in improving the mental health of nearby residents. Scientific research has shown the importance of connecting with nature, and parks allow people to do this. Not only that, but they also offer an area where residents can escape the noise, and hustle and bustle of the city, and therefore relax and unwind.


Exercise 1:

Look at the following body paragraphs taken from answers written by three IELTS candidates. 

In each case there is a problem with the topic sentence. Below you will see the criticisms made by the examiner.

Examiner’s criticisms:

A. There is no topic sentence.

B. The topic sentence outlines a main idea, but it is not the main idea developed in this paragraph.

C. The topic sentence gives background information; the central topic of the paragraph is not clear.

Decide which criticism applies to each paragraph:

1. In many countries traditional celebrations date back hundreds or even thousands of years. Usually, traditional festivities attract families from a wide area, so children are able to make friends with kids outside of their normal social circles. In addition, traditional celebrations provide a focal point for the community, fostering community spirit, and therefore providing an excellent environment and atmosphere in which children can mingle and make new contacts. In effect, these events can be networking events which promote better relationships among children in the community.

2. Fortunately, when driving, you can avoid problems such as getting wet in rain, or having to connect with other forms of transport such as the underground or buses. In addition, roads give more direct and flexible access to a destination, allowing a range of passenger and commercial vehicles to travel door to door, at their own convenience, without the need for planning departure and arrival times so precisely. 

3. It is important for governments to protect the areas of natural beauty in their country, so that future generations can enjoy them. The actions of companies can have a large impact on the environment. For example, waste materials and gases from factories and plants can seriously damage the local ecosystem if they are not properly disposed of. Moreover, companies should protect the safety of their employees and treat them in a fair and respectful manner. Not only is this a moral responsibility, but it will reduce staff turnover and attract talented employees.

Activity 1:

Write more effective topic sentences for the three paragraphs in Exercise 1.

Activity 2:

Below you’ll find IELTS Writing Task 2 questions. Think of two main ideas for each, and write appropriate topic sentences for the body paragraphs.


Some people argue that we are born with a fixed personality while others argue that we develop our personality because of our experiences. What do you think is the most important factor?

Topic Sentence BP1: Genetics appear to create a starting point or foundation for our personalities.

Topic Sentence BP2: However, despite the powerful influence of our genes, our experiences clearly play a massive role in the people we become.

1. Some people fail at school but are successful in life. Why do you think this is the case? What is the most important thing to succeed in life?

2. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)?

3. Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Which attitude do you agree with?

4. Some people believe that friends should have similar character traits, while others believe that other factors are more important in friendship. What do you believe are the most important qualities of a good friend?

5. Many interviews aim to assess the candidate's personality as well as their experience and knowledge. What is more important to be successful in the workplace, relevant experience and skills, or the right personality?

Exercise Answer Key:

Exercise: A. Paragraph 2, B. Paragraph 3, C. Paragraph 1

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