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Writing Task 2 Model Answers


6. Money

Some people believe that money is the most important factor in achieving happiness.

Do you agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:

Opinion: Partially Agree.

Main Idea 1: Money is essential for a secure and comfortable life.

  • Sub-idea A: Lack of money is stressful and presents many challenges.

  • Sub-idea B: Money allows you to enjoy comforts and luxuries which make life more pleasant.

Main Idea 2: Once a good living standard is reached other factors increase happiness more.

  • Sub-idea A: The importance of strong relationships in happiness.

  • Sub-idea B: Having time for personal development and to enjoy interests is important.

Model Answer:

It is sometimes argued that money contributes more to being happy than anything else.

It’s difficult to argue against the fact that having sufficient money to cover basic needs is essential to a happy life. However, in my opinion, once a certain standard of living is reached, other factors such as deep relationships and sufficient free time, become very important.

Money is essential to pay for the necessities in life. If money is very tight, and the household income is barely sufficient for the rent, food and utility bills, life can be difficult and stressful. Families that live from hand to mouth face many difficulties and any unexpected expense, such as a medical bill, vehicle or house repair can be a heavy burden. In such challenging circumstances it is difficult to be relaxed and happy. Furthermore, being wealthy allows you to enjoy the comforts and luxuries that make life pleasant and enjoyable. If you are well-off, it is possible to go on holiday, eat high quality food in nice restaurants, live in a big home, and drive a reliable and luxurious car.  All these things can make financial prosperity enjoyable.

On the other hand, after a high standard of living has been reached, any additional wealth adds less and less to a person’s quality of life. At this point, other factors play a bigger role. Being able to enjoy strong and close relationships with family and friends contributes a lot to life and makes a big difference in one’s sense of happiness and fulfilment. In addition, it’s important to have enough time to focus on self-development and to pursue interests outside of work. If your life is entirely focused on making money, you may miss opportunities to develop skills and knowledge in other areas which could help you grow into a more well-rounded person. Such growth plays a significant part in living a fulfilling life, and consequently, being content.

To conclude, there is no doubt that money is a necessary part of life, and if a person doesn’t have enough of it, it can be very difficult to achieve happiness. However, we must not ignore the other factors that contribute to a happy life. After all, money isn’t everything.

*To see definitions and examples of the vocabulary in bold, along with practice exercises, go to Topic Vocabulary & Exercises.


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