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Writing Task 2 Model Answers


20. Work

Unemployment is often a serious problem in societies.

What are the causes of unemployment?

What solutions are there to this problem?

Essay Plan:

Main Idea 1: not enough job opportunities

  • Sub-idea A: layoffs and downsizing due to economic conditions

  • Sub-idea B: replacement of workers by machines and robots

Main Idea 2: invest in training and entrepreneurship

  • Sub-idea A: education and training to give people necessary skills

  • Sub-idea B: encourage and promote entrepreneurship

Model Answer:

Unemployment has long been a major issue which governments have had to contend with around the world. This problem can have a devastating effect on individuals, families, and even entire communities. This essay will look at some of the causes of unemployment and then suggest possible solutions to address this issue.

One significant cause of unemployment is the lack of job opportunities. The limited number of jobs available may be due to various factors such as an economic recession, layoffs and downsizing by companies, or a shift in the job market. In addition, technological advancements that automate jobs, continue to reduce the need for human labour, especially in manual work. For instance, the widespread use of automated machines and robots in manufacturing has led to the loss of many semi-skilled jobs, leaving a large number of people jobless in certain areas. Furthermore, as technology advances, the skills required to perform certain jobs change. Workers who lack the necessary skills and qualifications are at a disadvantage when seeking employment.

To address the problem of unemployment, several paths can be taken. One solution is to invest in education and training programs that provide individuals with the necessary skills to compete in the job market. Governments could provide subsidies for education and training programs and work with businesses to create vocational and apprenticeship programs. Another solution is to encourage entrepreneurship and the creation of small businesses. Governments could provide financial assistance to individuals who want to start their own businesses, creating job opportunities for themselves and others.

In conclusion, unemployment is a complex issue caused by various factors. To address this problem, it is essential to invest in education and training, and promote entrepreneurship and small business creation. By implementing these solutions, societies can reduce the impact of unemployment and create a more stable and prosperous future.

*To see definitions and examples of the vocabulary in bold, along with practice exercises, go to Topic Vocabulary & Exercises.


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