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Writing Task 2 Model Answers


18. Home

In some countries people prefer to rent accommodation while in others people prefer to buy their home.

In your opinion, is it better to rent or own your home?

Essay Plan:

Main Idea 1: Owning a home provides a sense of security and stability.

  • Sub-idea A: Don’t have to worry about a landlord when decorating.

  • Sub-idea B: Don’t have to worry about being evicted.

Main Idea 2: Owning a home can provide financial benefits.

  • Sub-idea A: Mortgage payments are often less expensive than renting an equivalent property.

  • Sub-idea B: Homeowners can make a profit when selling the house in the future.

Main Idea 3: There are also potential drawbacks to owning a home.

  • Sub-idea A: Homeowners are responsible for all maintenance and repairs.

  • Sub-idea B: Owning a home ties someone down to a specific location.

Model Answer:

The choice between renting and owning a home is a major decision for anyone, and it is a topic of much debate. Some individuals prefer to rent their accommodations, while others prefer to purchase their own homes. While there are benefits to both options, my opinion is that owning a home is better for several reasons.

Firstly, owning a home provides a sense of security and stability. When someone owns their own home, they can make it their own and do it up to their liking. They do not have to worry about their landlord jacking up the rent or requiring them to leave at the end of the rental period. Furthermore, once the mortgage has been paid off, a homeowner can rest easy in the knowledge that their home is their own and nobody has the right to evict them.

Secondly, owning a home can provide financial benefits. While purchasing a home requires a significant upfront investment, the monthly mortgage payments are often less expensive than renting an equivalent property. Additionally, homeowners can build equity over time and potentially sell their home for a profit later on if prices have appreciated. Homeownership can also provide tax benefits, as mortgage interest and property tax payments are often tax deductible.

Of course, there are also potential drawbacks to owning a home. Homeowners are responsible for all maintenance and repairs, and unexpected expenses can arise. Additionally, owning a home can tie someone down to a specific location, which can be problematic if they need to relocate for work or other reasons. Renting meanwhile can offer more flexibility with renters having the freedom to move at the end of the rental period.

In conclusion, while renting can offer more flexibility, I believe that owning a home is ultimately a better option. The greater peace of mind that comes with homeownership, as well as the financial benefits, make it a worthwhile investment. Of course, each person’s situation is unique, and the decision between renting and owning has to be made based on individual circumstances.

*To see definitions and examples of the vocabulary in bold, along with practice exercises, go to Topic Vocabulary & Exercises.


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