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Writing Task 2 Model Answers

Environmental: Writing Task 2 Model Answer


Some countries are making serious efforts to reduce global warming.

Do you believe that all countries should do the same?

Essay Plan

Opinion: Partially agree.

Main Idea 1: Global warming is the result of activities around the world.
  • Sub-idea A: The use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas needs to be reduced around the world, not just in some countries

  • Sub-idea B:  In addition, large areas of forest, often in poorer countries, need to be protected.

Main Idea 2: It is unrealistic to expect poor nations, with low standards of living, to fund the use of green technologies or avoid the exploitation of their natural resources.
  • Sub-idea A: The standard of living of many people in poorer countries is still very low.

  • Sub-idea B: Only richer countries have the funds available to develop and promote the use of low-carbon technologies and offer alternatives to exploiting natural resources.

Model Answer:

Global warming is an existential threat that is currently facing the world. Some countries have taken a number of measures to combat this problem, but the question remains whether all nations should do the same. From my perspective, while all countries need to be involved in reducing climate change, richer countries must take the lead in promoting the use of sustainable practices and technologies.

Global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels in countries around the world. As a result, action by a few countries to limit carbon emissions is not enough to have a major impact. If we are going to address this issue, all countries need to take action to reduce their dependence on oil, gas and especially coal. In addition, many of the large areas of forest which are crucial to reducing the greenhouse effect, are in countries where controls on deforestation are very limited. Only by these countries taking action towards the conservation of their forests, will the rest of the world be able to benefit from them.

However, it is unrealistic to expect poor nations, with low standards of living, to fund the use of green technologies or avoid the exploitation of their natural resources. The standard of living of the majority of people in these countries is still very low, and their energy consumption is likewise very low compared to the richest nations. Therefore, richer, more technologically developed countries have the obligation to develop low carbon technologies to the point where poor countries can use them without sacrificing living standards. Furthermore, poor nations must be helped to find a more eco-friendly way to exploit their natural resources. For instance, funds could be given to assist in a transition to eco-tourism in areas of rainforest, or to promote other types of more environmentally friendly economic activity. As a result, these poorer nations could join a worldwide effort to fight climate change.

To summarise, the only way to mitigate climate change is by all countries reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and by protecting key natural resources. However, only richer countries have the funds available to make this happen. It is therefore incumbent on them to fund and promulgate the use of sustainable technologies and practices around the world.

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