Some people work very hard to make their dreams come true, while others are happy with what they already have.
Do you think people should chase their dreams?
Essay Plan:
Opinion: People should chase their dreams.
Main Idea 1: Dreams help to motivate us to be more successful.
Sub-idea A: Dreams inspire us to work hard.
Sub-idea B: They help us maintain a positive mindset and overcome difficulties.
Main Idea 2: While they involve sacrifice, achieving dreams is ultimately fulfilling.
Sub-idea A: Trying to achieve a dream involves sacrifice.
Sub-idea B: But, if successful, leads to fulfilment and happiness.
Model Answer:
While some people make a lot of effort to realise their dreams, others are satisfied with their present situation. I strongly believe that setting big goals and having aspirations is an important part of a fulfilling life. Having a dream motivates us to work harder and if we can achieve them, we feel a great sense of satisfaction.
Dreams give us the motivation and drive that push us to be more successful. They give us something to set our minds on, and encourage a person to strive to achieve his or her goals. As a result of this dedication, a person is much more likely to enjoy eventual success. Furthermore, having a dream helps us to maintain a positive mindset, which allows us to overcome greater challenges and obstacles. For example, many great entrepreneurs were able to deal with repeated business failures because they set a goal and then stayed focused on it. Their dreams gave them the strength they needed to persevere and get through the hard times.
In addition, while chasing dreams involves sacrifice, achieving dreams is ultimately very fulfilling. To make a dream come true, a person often has to give up a lot of their free time, and make sacrifices in their personal lives. For instance, successful business people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Jack Ma famously work extremely long hours and have little time left over for other hobbies or activities. However, achieving their visions and making their dreams a reality, no doubt gives them a deep sense of achievement. I believe that this feeling of accomplishment is an important ingredient in contentment and satisfaction in life.
To summarise, although striving to make dreams come true can involve giving up other passions and interests, it will likely lead to greater success in life and a deeper feeling of achievement and contentment. Chasing our dreams should therefore be encouraged.
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