Topic Vocabulary & Exercises
Topic Vocabulary:
adore (verb)
Definition: To have a deep affection or love for someone or something.
Example: I adore reading great books.
be crazy about (idiom)
Definition: To really like or enjoy something.
Example: She's crazy about playing the guitar and practices for hours every day.
blissful (adjective)
Definition: Extremely happy.
Example: Walking on the sandy beach during sunset was a blissful experience.
boiling (adjective)
Definition: Very hot.
Example: It was boiling outside so I stayed at home and turned on the air conditioning.
cherish (verb)
Definition: To consider something very special or important.
Example: The trip to the beach with my grandparents is a memory that I cherish.
dreadful (adjective)
Definition: Extremely bad, unpleasant, or serious.
Example: The weather was dreadful, with heavy rain and strong winds making it difficult to go outside.
drive you crazy (idiom)
Definition: To make someone feel very annoyed, frustrated, or overwhelmed.
Example: The constant noise from construction next door is driving me crazy.
enchanting (adjective)
Definition: Really interesting or fascinating in a magical or delightful way.
Example: The enchanting melody of the music transported me to a magical place.
euphoric (adjective)
Definition: Feeling intense happiness.
Example: The Argentinian football fans were euphoric when their team won the World Cup.
exhilarating (adjective)
Definition: Making you feel very happy and full of positive energy.
Example: The roller coaster ride was exhilarating.
get a rush (idiom)
Definition: To get a sudden intense feeling of excitement.
Example: The skydive gave me a big rush.
highlight (noun [c])
Definition: The most important or memorable part.
Example: The fireworks display was the highlight of the evening.
indulge (verb)
Definition: To allow oneself to enjoy or do something pleasurable or satisfying, often in excess.
Example: I decided to indulge myself with a big piece of chocolate cake.
invigorating (adjective)
Definition: Something that makes you feel more awake, energised, and refreshed.
Example: He takes a cold shower in the morning because he finds it invigorating.
jump at the chance (idiom)
Definition: To eagerly and quickly accept an opportunity.
Example: When he was offered a trip to Paris, he jumped at the chance to go.
memorable (adjective)
Definition: Very difficult to forget.
Example: The speech was both heartfelt and memorable.
obnoxious (adjective)
Definition: Annoying, offensive, or unpleasant in behaviour or manner.
Example: The drunk man was loud and obnoxious.
scared stiff (idiom)
Definition: Extremely scared.
Example: I was scared stiff by a loud bang in the middle of the night.
thrilling (adjective)
Definition: Causing a strong feeling of excitement or exhilaration.
Example: There were some thrilling scenes in the movie.
unforgettable (adjective)
Definition: Impossible to forget.
Example: The view the mountain summit was unforgettable.
Exercise 1: Gap-fill Exercise
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word from the list provided.
1. The weather was ___________, making everyone uncomfortable and sweaty.
2. He is ___________ by the thought of public speaking; it fills him with terror.
3. The roller coaster ride was ___________, with twists and turns that left everyone exhilarated.
4. I ___________ the moments spent with my family during the holidays; they are precious to me.
5. The chance to travel to a new country is something I would ___________ without hesitation.
6. The view from the mountaintop was absolutely ___________, it’s etched in my memory.
7. He can be ___________ to staff in shops and restaurants. I wish he would be more patient and polite.
8. The snorkelling trip was the ___________ of my holiday.
Exercise 2: Multiple-Choice Exercise
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1. The race was ___________, with cars competing to win until the final lap.
a) thrilling
b) adore
c) blissful
2. He was ___________ about cycling and went for a 1 hour ride every morning.
a) adore
b) scared stiff
c) crazy
3. The new amusement park ride is absolutely ___________.
a) exhilarating
b) cherish
c) obnoxious
4. She would ___________ to work abroad.
a) get a rush
b) jump at the chance
c) indulge
5. The vacation was so ___________ that they talked about it for years afterward.
a) highlight
b) unforgettable
c) invigorating
6. Her coworker always managed to ___________ her crazy.
a) drive
b) do
c) push
7. A cold shower in the morning is really ___________.
a) indescribable
b) dreadful
c) invigorating
8. He felt ___________ when she agreed to marry him.
a) cherished
b) dreadful
c) euphoric
Exercise 3: Rewrite Sentences
Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.
1. I decided to give myself a treat with a big piece of chocolate cake. (indulge)
2. The skydive was extremely exciting. (get a rush)
3. The beautiful music transported me to a magical place. (enchanting)
4. Walking on the sandy beach during sunset made me incredibly happy. (blissful)
5. I really value the memories of our time together in Paris. (cherish)
6. I absolutely love reading her novels. (adore)
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Vocabulary Answer Key:
Exercise 1: 1. boiling, 2. scared stiff, 3. thrilling, 4. cherish, 5. jump at, 6. unforgettable, 7.obnoxious, 8. highlight
Exercise 2: 1.a, 2.c, 3.a, 4.b, 5.b, 6.a, 7.c, 8.c
Exercise 3: (Suggested answers)
1. I decided to indulge in a big piece of chocolate cake.
2. I got a rush out of the skydive.
3. The enchanting music transported me to a magical place.
4. Walking on the sandy beach during sunset was blissful.
5. I cherish our time together in Paris.
6. I adore reading her novels.