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Topic Vocabulary & Exercises

16. Hometown


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Topic Vocabulary:

attachment (noun [u]):

Definition: A feeling of strong emotional connection to someone or something.

Example: She felt a deep attachment to her parents and got very homesick when she left home.

belong (verb):

Definition: To be a part or member of a particular group, place, or category.

Example: He never felt like he really belonged in the city.

catch up (phrasal verb):

Definition: To speak to someone to find out about the recent events in their life. 

Example: She spent 2 hours on the phone catching up with her school friend.

commuter town (noun [c]):

Definition: A residential area where people live but typically travel to work in a nearby city.

Example: He lives in a commuter town, just outside the capital.

cosmopolitan (adjective):

Definition: Reflecting a mix of cultures and influences from around the world.

Example: New York City is known for its cosmopolitan atmosphere.

homesick (adjective):

Definition: Feeling a strong desire or nostalgia for one's home or familiar surroundings.

Example: After a month away, I started to feel homesick.

hustle and bustle (idiom):

Definition: Busy, noisy activity and movement, especially in a crowded area.

Example: The hustle and bustle of the city can be overwhelming.

leave home (verb phrase):

Definition: To stop living at the family home.

Example: Many young people feel homesick when they leave home to go to university.

locals (noun [pl]):

Definition: People who live in a particular place or community and are familiar with its customs and culture.

Example: The locals knew the best restaurants in town.

migrate (verb):

Definition: To move from one place to another, often between countries or regions. 

Example: Many people migrate to cities looking for work.

outskirts (noun [pl]):

Definition: The outer parts of a town or city, away from the centre.

Example: Their house is on a quiet street in the outskirts of the town.

pace of life (idiom):

Definition: How fast or slow daily activities happen in a place or culture.

Example: Life in the countryside has a slower pace compared to the bustling city.

provincial (adjective):

Definition: Relating to or characteristic of a province.

Example: The town's provincial charm attracted visitors seeking a peaceful getaway.

quaint (adjective):

Definition: Charmingly old-fashioned or picturesque.

Example: The quaint little cottage looked like something from a storybook.

reconnect (verb):

Definition: To reestablish a connection or bond, especially with people or places from one's past.

Example: After years apart, they decided to reconnect and became close friends again.

roots (noun [pl]):

Definition: The place or culture from which a person or group of people comes.

Example: She returned to her hometown to reconnect with her roots.

rustic (adjective):

Definition: Characteristic of a rural or countryside place, often simple and rough in appearance.

Example: The rustic cabin in the woods was a perfect escape from city life.

sense of community (noun phrase):

Definition: A feeling of connection with a group of people who share common interests, values, or location.

Example: The neighbourhood's annual picnic strengthens the sense of community.

small town mentality (noun phrase):

Definition: Considering local matters very important, and not having exposure to other ways of life.

Example: People in the village were suspicious of strangers, which was a characteristic of their small town mentality.

suburban (adjective):

Definition: Relating to a residential area located on the outskirts of a city.

Example: They moved to a suburban area for a quieter lifestyle and more space.

Exercise 1: Gap-fill Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase from the list provided.

1. After living abroad for years, Sarah decided to ___________ with her old friends.

2. The ___________ in the city can be overwhelming for some people.

3. The ___________ old town was a popular destination for tourists.

4. Even after years of living in other places, she had a strong ___________ to her hometown.

5. She loved her ___________ cottage in the countryside, but maintaining it was a nightmare.

6. The ___________ in the small town was evident in the close relationships among residents.

7. He hadn’t seen his best friend in 3 months so it was time to ___________.

8. The ___________ mentality in some areas makes the locals unwelcoming to outsiders.

9. People often choose to move out of the city centre to ___________ areas when they start a family.

10. The street was alive with the ___________ of street traders and shoppers.



catch up



small town

hustle and bustle

pace of life

sense of community

Exercise 2: Multiple-Choice Exercise

Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. The ___________ atmosphere of the village made it a charming place to visit.

a) suburban

b) rustic

c) hustle and bustle

2. After living in a ___________ town for years, she missed the close-knit community.

a) cosmopolitan

b) provincial

c) commuter

3. He ___________ to the capital in search of better paid work.

a) migrated

b) left home

c) belonged

4. Feeling ___________ when you leave home for the first time is a common reaction.

a) homesick

b) attached

c) cosmopolitan

5. Many professionals living in ___________ towns travel into the nearby city every morning.

a) suburban

b) commuter

c) provincial

Exercise 3: Complete the Text

Jack had always felt like he 1___________ in a big city. He was sick and tired of the small town mentality in his hometown and longed for a more 2___________ atmosphere. He dreamed about life in the city, with the 3___________ of the streets during the day, and the nightlife in the evening. At home, there was one pub and a fish and chip shop, and not much else. He was bored stiff most evenings. But, he had deep 4___________ in his hometown, and most of his friends still lived there, so it was going to be tough to leave and he would probably get quite 5___________. Nonetheless, he knew he had to do it, big city life beckoned.




hustle and bustle


Vocabulary Answer Key

Exercise 1: 1. reconnect, 2. pace, 3. quaint, 4. attachment, 5. rustic, 6. sense of community, 7. catch up, 8. small town, 9. suburban, 10. hustle and bustle

Exercise 2: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5b

Exercise 3: 1. belong, 2. cosmopolitan, 3. hustle and bustle, 4. roots, 5. homesick

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