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Topic Vocabulary & Exercises

10. Hopes & Dreams


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Topic Vocabulary:

appeal (verb):

Definition: Something that makes people like or want something.

Example: The colourful toys had a strong appeal to the kids

aspiration (noun [c]):

Definition: A strong desire or hope to achieve something.

Example: Her aspiration is to become a successful entrepreneur.

bucket list (noun [c]):

Definition: A list of experiences or achievements that a person wishes to have during their lifetime.

Example: Skydiving is on my bucket list of things to do before I die.

chase a dream (verb phrase):

Definition: To try to achieve a very big personal goal.

Example: He decided to chase his dreams and left his job to start up his own business.

dedication (noun [u]):

Definition: Being committed and putting in effort to reach a goal.

Example: The athlete's dedication to daily training paid off with a gold medal.

draw (verb):

Definition: To attract or make someone interested in something or someone.

Example: The beautiful artwork drew people's attention at the gallery.

drive (noun [u]):

Definition: The push that makes you work hard and get things done.

Example: She was driven to become CEO.

ideally (adverb):

Definition: How things would be just right, in a perfect world.

Example: Ideally, we'd have sunny weather for our picnic.

make a dream come true (verb phrase):

Definition: To turn your hopes and wishes into something that you can actually do or have.

Example: With determination and hard work, you can make your dream of becoming a published author come true.

motivation (noun [u]):

Definition: The reason that makes you want to do something.

Example: The thought of winning the game was his motivation to practise every day.

obstacle (noun [c]):

Definition: Something that gets in the way or causes difficulty.

Example: The heavy traffic was a major obstacle on his way to work.

perfect (verb):

Definition: To try to improve your performance to the point where you make no mistakes.

Example: He worked hard to perfect his negotiation skills.

positive mindset (noun phrase):

Definition: Thinking optimistically and focusing on solutions.

Example: Having a positive mindset helps you see opportunities in challenges.

prioritise (verb):

Definition: To choose something as the most important or urgent thing to focus on or achieve.

Example: He prioritised success in his career over everything else in his life.

sacrifice (noun [c]):

Definition: Refers to giving up something valuable or important in order to achieve a greater goal or benefit.

Example: Many athletes sacrifice their personal time and social life in order to train and compete at a high level.

set a goal (verb phrase):

Definition: To decide what you want to achieve.

Example: She set a goal to read ten books this summer.

set your mind on sth. (idiom):

Definition: To really focus on one thing and want it a lot.

Example: He set his mind on becoming a chef and practised cooking every chance he got.

strive (verb):

Definition: Working hard and making an effort to achieve something.

Example: She will strive to improve her grades by studying harder.

struggle (noun [c]):

Definition: A difficult or challenging experience.

Example: It was a struggle to overcome the language barrier while studying abroad.

vision (noun [u]):

Definition: An idea or image of something that you want to achieve in the future. 

Example: The company's vision is to create an affordable electric vehicle.

Exercise 1: Gap-fill Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of a word from the list provided below.

1. Achieving your goals requires ___________ and hard work.

2. Despite facing many ___________, he remained determined to pursue his dream.

3. She has a clear ___________ of what she wants to achieve in the next 10 years.

4. It's essential to ___________ your most important goals to ensure you're working towards what truly matters to you.

5. With dedication and a ___________ mindset, she was able to overcome every obstacle in her path.

6. To make a dream come true, one must be willing to ___________ certain short term pleasures.

7. He ___________ his mind on becoming a programmer and after 3 years he was one.

8. Despite the fact that she ___________ to finish school, she became one of the richest people in the 










Exercise 2: Matching Exercise

Match the vocabulary word on the left with its corresponding definition or description on the right.

1. appeal

2. aspiration

3. bucket list

4. chase a dream

5. drive

6. ideally

7. make a dream come true

8. perfect

a. A list of things a person wants to do or achieve before they die.

b. The quality of being attractive or interesting.

c. A big goal that you would like to achieve in the distant future.

d. To go after or work towards a big goal.

e. A strong feeling of enthusiasm or motivation.

f. To remove any mistakes from your performance.

g. In the best possible situation or circumstances

h. Achieving a big goal.

Exercise 3: Multiple-Choice Exercise

Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1. Despite facing numerous ___________, she persevered and achieved her goal.

a) aspirations

b) struggles

c) visions

2. He decided to ___________ a dream he had since childhood and work towards becoming a professional musician.

a) chase

b) set

c) sacrifice

3. The ___________ of being her own boss kept her motivated while she was starting up her business.

a) dedication

b) perfect

c) appeal

4. It's important to have a ___________ mindset and stay focused on your long-term objectives.

a) positive

b) perfect

c) drive

5. The company's ___________ to be more sustainable and socially responsible attracted environmentally conscious consumers.

a) drive

b) draw

c) obstacle

6. To achieve success, one must be willing to ___________ certain comforts and work hard.

a) chase

b) prioritise

c) sacrifice

7. After many years during which she ___________ to build her business, it became very successful.

a) strive

b) perfect

c) aspiration

8. Once she ___________ a goal for herself, she would always achieve it.

a) struggle

b) set

c) strive

Vocabulary Answer Key:

Exercise 1: 1. dedication, 2. obstacles, 3. vision, 4. prioritise, 5. positive, 6. sacrifice, 7. set, 8. struggled

Exercise 2: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5e, 6g, 7h, 8f

Exercise 3: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6c, 7a, 8b

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