IELTS Grammar Topics
Subjunctive Phrases

Using the subjunctive in IELTS Speaking & Writing
In the IELTS test you may be asked to give your opinion about what a country or its government can do to solve a problem. This could be in IELTS speaking part 3, or in Writing Task 2. A great way to show advanced grammar knowledge is to use a phrase with the “subjunctive mood” when answering this kind of question.
You’ve probably never heard of the subjunctive, but you’ve almost certainly come across it in formal English speech and writing.
Have a look at the following sentences. Do you notice anything unusual about the grammar? Pay particular attention to the verbs.
It is crucial that the government spend more money on combating unemployment.
In my opinion, it is essential that the government do more to protect consumers from fraud.
I think it’s imperative that university education be subsidised by the government.
It’s vital that more money be spent on building housing.
I believe it’s necessary that people be given more time off work to spend with their families.
In all of these sentences, the verb that followed the phrase, "it is vital/ imperative/ crucial etc. that...", looked like the infinitive. This is actually the subjunctive mood. You will only notice it when using the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), an uncountable noun or the passive, as the rest of the time, the subjunctive verb form looks the same as the normal verb.
The subjunctive can be used in various situations but for IELTS it’s most useful when you give a strong opinion about what the government or some other organisation should do. You can use these key phrases that include the subjunctive:
It is crucial that (he/ she/ it) + verb (subjunctive mood)
It is essential that (he/ she/ it) + verb (subjunctive mood)
It is imperative that (he/ she/ it) + verb (subjunctive mood)
It is necessary that (he/ she/ it) + verb (subjunctive mood)
It is vital that (he/ she/ it) + verb (subjunctive mood)
It is crucial that the government spend more money on combating unemployment.
All of these phrases can be used to show that you think that something is very important to do.
You can also use these phrases followed by a passive phrase:
It is crucial that (he, she, it, we, they) be + past participle
It is essential that (he, she, it, we, they) be + past participle
It is imperative that (he, she, it, we, they) be + past participle
It is necessary that (he, she, it, we, they) be + past participle
It is vital that (he, she, it, we, they) be + past participle
When using the passive, the subjunctive form "be" is used in all cases (he, she, it, we, they).
I believe it’s necessary that people be given more time off work to spend with their families.
Answer the following questions using one of the phrases above to show a strong opinion.
1. Do you think the government should spend more on care for the elderly?
2. In your opinion, should university education be free?
3. How can the government reduce unemployment?
4. What are the most important qualities of a good leader?
5. Should the government spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle?
6. How important is it that employees be given time off when they are sick?