IELTS Grammar Topics
How to Reference Using It and This

Using Referencing for Better IELTS Writing
Grammatical referencing within a text means referring back to nouns, noun clauses or even whole sentences that we already mentioned.
The two most common ways to reference in an essay is using this or it, but when should we use this and when is it appropriate?
Referencing with this (and that)
We use this to refer back to whole clauses and sentences.
For example:
In my opinion, governments should help small businesses to grow. This will lead to an increase in the number of small businesses and reduce unemployment.
This refers to the clause governments should help small businesses to grow.
By increasing taxes on unhealthy foods, governments will encourage citizens to choose healthier alternatives. This will lead to improving health among the population.
Here, this refers to the entire previous sentence.
You can use that in a similar way, but it is less common. That suggests more distance between ourselves and the ideas referenced. The distance may be in time or in opinion.
For example:
China joined the WTO on 11 December 2001. That was a milestone in China’s economic development.
That refers to the previous sentence and suggests distance, in this case, distance in time.
Many elderly voters believe that crime is a bigger problem today than in the past. That is not the case according to reliable statistics on crime.
In the above sentence, that refers to the idea that crime is a bigger problem today, and suggests distance in opinion.
Referencing with it
It is used to reference a noun mentioned in the previous sentence, and to continue talking about it.
For example:
The car was hit by a tree. It was totally destroyed.
Here it refers to the car and we use the reference to continue talking about the car.
Yesterday a hurricane hit northeastern Florida. It was a category 4 hurricane and caused widespread damage.
It refers to the hurricane and is used to give more information about it.
Choose it, or this to reference most effectively and explain what is being referenced.
1. The new software is impressive. __________ is faster and easier to use than the old version.
2. The negotiations were challenging and it was very difficult for both parties to find a compromise. __________ is why the meeting lasted several days.
3. Companies should be made responsible for the environmental problems they cause. __________ will lead to more eco-friendly products and services.
4. I recently tried a new recipe, and __________ turned out to be a delicious and nutritious dish.
5. The movie had a powerful message, and __________ left a lasting impact on the audience.
6. The movie received mixed reviews. __________ did not affect its success in cinemas.
7. The government should work to provide a range of apprenticeship opportunities to young people. __________ will reduce youth unemployment and increase skills in the labour force.
8. The city has undergone significant development. __________ is now one of the fastest growing in Europe.
9. I just bought a new phone. __________ has a remarkable camera with advanced features.
10. The car broke down on the highway. Despite __________, we managed to reach our destination on time.
11. She completed the marathon in record time. ___________ was a result of her hard work and dedication while training.
12. The students worked diligently on their research projects. __________ was evident in the quality of the projects.
13. The presentation covered a wide range of topics. __________ made it engaging for the diverse audience.
14. The weather was unpredictable during the camping trip. Despite __________, we enjoyed our time in the great outdoors.
Answer Key:
1. It 2. This 3. This 4. it 5. it 6. This 7. This 8. It 9. It 10. this 11. This 12. This 13. This 14. thisAnswer Key: