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IELTS Grammar Topics

Adverbs - Position & Register

Adverbs are hugely important if you want to reach the highest levels in IELTS speaking and writing. Adverbs can be used for various reasons; there are linking adverbs, contrast adverbs, comment adverbs, time adverbs, frequency, degree, certainty and manner adverbs. 

Not only should you try to include a range of adverbs in your speech and writing, but it’s also important to think about the position of the adverb in the sentence. Certain types of adverb are commonly positioned at the front of the sentence, while others are placed in the middle or final position.  

Front Position

Linking & Contrast Adverbs

Adverbs are often put in the front position, before the subject at the beginning of the sentence or clause, to link or contrast with information in the previous sentence or clause. 

Linking and contrasting adverbs/ adverbial phrases: however, nonetheless, nevertheless, but, while, although, though, consequently, furthermore, moreover, subsequently, therefore, thus, so, what’s more, in addition, also, as, because, as a result, also, despite, in spite of

Comment adverbs: 

Comment adverbs, which show our opinion, usually go at the beginning of the sentence or clause too.

Comment adverbs: (un)fortunately, luckily, understandably, honestly, obviously, actually, frankly, apparently, by the way

Mid Position

Many adverbs go in the mid position including:

  • Some adverbs which modify verbs

  • Adverbs which modify adjectives (with the exception of enough)

These adverbs, when used with a verb, are placed before the main verb, or after the first auxiliary verb.

Adverbs which modify adjectives:

These adverbs can be separated into two categories. Those that modify normal adjectives and those that modify strong (non-gradable) adjectives.

For normal adjectives:

Deeply, heavily, hugely, properly, strictly, strongly, terribly, really, very, incredibly, massively, exceptionally, quite, fairly, rather, highly, enormously

For strong adjectives:

Absolutely, utterly, completely, totally

You should also pay attention to adverb - adjective collocations. Particular adverbs are commonly used with certain adjectives, while others may sound strange or unusual together.

Adverbs which modify verbs:

Frequency: always, often, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever

Certainty: probably, possibly, certainly

Focusing: just, even, simply

One-word Time: already, just, now, soon

Examples with verbs:

He always plays football on Saturdays

She will probably agree.

She often takes her dogs for a walk in the morning.

He has just arrived.

She has probably been waiting there for you.

End Position

In English, adverbs are most often put in the end position. These include:

  • Adverbs of definite time e.g. yesterday, last week, this morning

  • Adverbs of manner (how something is done) e.g. quickly, well, badly slowly

  • Adverbs of place e.g. in the corner, by the chair, in the town centre

Where there is more than one of these adverbs the order is usually: manner/ place/ time e.g. He worked hard/ at his desk/ all morning.

Exercise 1: 

Choose an appropriate linking adverb. More than one is often possible, but pay attention to how formal or informal the language is.

1. I’m a big fan of eating out, ………….. I don’t do it very often.

2. Global warming poses a serious threat to the environment. ………….., reducing the consumption of fossil fuels is extremely challenging.

3. Local businesses are thriving as a result of the influx of tourists to the area. ………….., many local residents have complained to the authorities. 

4. Over the last 12 months there has been significant inflation in the prices of both goods and services. ………….., workers are beginning to demand large wage increases.

5. I love outdoor activities because I enjoy being outside and getting some exercise. .………….., it’s a chance to meet up with friends.

6. Trains are more energy-efficient than cars and other means of transport. …………., they can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

7. A high income allows people greater access to educational and personal development opportunities. ……………., wealth provides a sense of security and stability.

8. I don’t read books very often ………….. I usually prefer to watch movies or series during my spare time. 

9. When I go on holiday I often do a lot of outdoor activities, ……………. I always take lots of outdoor gear with me.

Exercise 2:

What alternative adverbs could be used in 1 - 9 above?

Exercise 3:

Replace the phrases in brackets with one of the adverbs above

1. [This is my opinion, but it may be shocking], I never believed that he would make a good CEO.

2. [The next thing I say is not related to the previous conversation], did you get a chance to stop at the bank?

3. [I’m happy about this], I arrived at the airport in time for the flight.

4. [Someone told me, but I don’t know if it’s true], he was arrested for fraud.

5. [This is the real situation], I wasn’t fired, I resigned.

6. [I know this is evident, but], we’ll have to pay someone to fix it.

7. [You can sympathise], I felt like I deserved some appreciation.

8. [What I say next is true], I didn’t intend to show any disrespect.

9. [This was good luck], I didn’t have any problems.

Exercise 4:

Decide if the adjective is strong or normal and then choose an appropriate adverb (usually more than one adverb is possible)

1. Our trip to the Maldives was …………….. amazing.

2. The movie was ………….. fantastic.

3. She was ……………. unhappy when she heard the news.

4. He is ……………. overweight. 

5. I hadn’t had any food for 24 hours so I was …………… starving.

6. The smell from the bins was …………… awful.

7. I am …………….. sorry about it.

8. Her performance was ……………… good.

9. The restaurant was ………………. fantastic.

10. The food he cooked was …………….. disgusting.

11. Visiting Machu Picchu was ……………. incredible.

Exercise 5:

Choose an adverb - adjective collocation

1. He is …………… opposed to the new road construction.

2. You are …………… recommended to avoid alcohol for 3 months.

3. The conference was …………… successful.

4. Beyonce is …………… popular.

5. It is …………… important that you listen to this information.

6. The traffic made it …………… impossible to reach the airport in time.

7. His suggestions were …………… ridiculous.

8. I was …………… sorry to hear about her death.

9. My keyboard isn’t working …………….

10. I was …………… grateful for the help she gave me.

11. Smoking is …………… prohibited on planes.

12. The drink-driving laws are …………… enforced.

Exercise 6:

Look at this IELTS Writing Task 1 letter and correct any mistakes in the position of the adverbs (there are 13 mistakes in total)

Dear John,

Thanks for the email you this morning sent, I’ve finished just reading it and it’s great to hear how well you and the kids are doing. I however was disturbed to find out that you plan to buy a second hand car from Terry’s Motors. I'd recommend highly you find another car dealer. Unfortunately, Terry’s Motors absolutely has an awful reputation, and is the least trustworthy car dealership in the region probably.

Another friend 6 months ago bought a car there, and has been regularly having serious problems with it. What’s more, the dealer refused to offer any help to fix these problems, having despite offered a 12 month warranty on the car. Understandably, my friend regrets deeply buying the car there. It looks like frankly the dealer simply is ripping off customers.

Instead of Terry’s Motors, you should go probably to Super Fine Motors. It has a much better reputation, and having bought a car there myself, I can vouch for the fast and efficient service. 

I like by the way your choice of make and model for the purchase. The 2019 Honda Civic Sport is a little great car. Anyway, best of luck with the car purchase, and don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions.

Best wishes,


Answer Key:

Exercise 1: 

1. but

2. However

3. Nonetheless

4. Subsequently

5. What’s more

6. Consequently

7. In addition

8. as

9. so 

Exercise 2:

1. however

2. Nonetheless/ Nevertheless

3. However/ Nevertheless

4. Consequently/ As a result

5.  Also

6. Subsequently/ As a result

7. Furthermore

8. because

9.  - (therefore/ thus are too formal)

Exercise 3: 

1. Frankly

2. By the way

3. Fortunately

4. Apparently

5. Actually

6. Obviously

7. Understandably

8. Honestly

9. Luckily

Exercise 4: 

1. absolutely (strong)

2. absolutely (strong)

3. really (normal)

4. quite (normal)

5. absolutely (strong)

6. totally (strong)

7. very (normal)

8. extremely (normal)

9. utterly (strong)

10. completely (strong)

11. absolutely (strong)

Exercise 5:

1. utterly (also: completely/ totally)

2. highly (also: strongly)

3. hugely (also: extremely)

4. enormously (also: hugely)

5. extremely (also: hugely)

6. completely (also: utterly/ totally)

7. utterly (also: totally/ completely)

8. terribly (also: very/ extremely)

9. properly

10. deeply

11. strictly

12. strictly

Exercise 6:

Dear John,

Thanks for your email you sent this morning, I’ve just finished just reading it and it’s great to hear how well you and the kids are doing. However, I however was disturbed to find out that you plan to buy a second hand car from Terry’s Motors. I'd highly recommend highly you find another car dealer. Unfortunately, Terry’s Motors absolutely has an absolutely awful reputation, and is probably the least trustworthy car dealership in the region probably.

Another friend 6 months ago bought a car there 6 months ago, and has regularly been regularly having serious problems with it. What’s more, the dealer refused to offer any help to fix these problems, despite having despite given a 12 month warranty when selling it. Understandably, my friend deeply regrets deeply buying the car there. Frankly, it looks like frankly the dealer simply is simply ripping off customers.

Instead of Terry’s Motors, you should probably go to Super Fine Motors. It has a much better reputation, and having bought a car there myself, I can vouch for the fast and efficient service. 

By the way, I like your choice of make and model for the purchase. The 2019 Honda Civic Sport is a great little great car. Anyway, best of luck with the car purchase, and don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions.

Best wishes,


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