IELTS Grammar Topics
2nd Conditionals

2nd Conditionals - The Unreal Present or Future
We use the 2nd conditional to show that we don’t think something is real. It could be totally imaginary, like unicorns or dragons, or it could be something that is possible but we don’t think will happen, like Southampton winning the Premier League this year.
The structure for the 2nd conditional is as follows:
If + past simple, would + infinitive
Example: If Southampton won the Premier League, I would be shocked
Example: If I saw an alien, I would be terrified
Example: If I won the lottery, I would buy a Porsche 911
Note that when we use the verb be, we use “were” with all subject pronouns (although, particularly in speech, this rule is often ignored).
Example: If I were/ was a professional football player, I would want to play for Tottenham
Example: If your father were/ was here, he would be very angry
Exercise 1:
Complete each sentence using the second conditional form of the verb in parentheses
1. If she __________ (study) harder, she __________ (get) better grades.
2. If they __________ (travel) to Europe, they __________ (visit) Paris.
3. I __________ (learn) to play the guitar, if I __________ (have) more free time,
4. If he __________ (save) enough money, he __________ (start) his own business.
5. If we __________ (win) the championship, we __________ (celebrate) all night.
6. If you __________ (invite) her to the party, she __________ (come) with us.
7. It __________ (save) many lives if they __________ (have) a cure for cancer,
8. He (implement) new policies, if he __________ (become) the president,
9. If I __________ (know) the answer, I __________ (tell) you.
Exercise 2:
Decide if the situation requires the 2nd conditional (unreal) or 1st conditional (real) and write the conditional sentence correctly.
1. If I __________ (win) the lottery, I __________ (buy) a yacht
2. If I __________ (go) to the supermarket, I __________ (buy) some milk [you will probably have time to go later]
3. If Brazil __________ (win) the next Football World Cup, he __________ (open) a bottle of champagne [Brazil has won the World Cup several times]
4. If I __________ (be) an Olympic athlete, I __________ (not drink) alcohol
5. If Japan __________ (win) the next Football World Cup, she __________ (learn) Japanese [Japan has never been in a World Cup final]
6. If you __________ (get) a promotion, you __________ (earn) more money [you are a good employee]
7. If you __________ (get) a promotion, you __________ (earn) more money [you are a very lazy employee]
8. If I __________ (have) a Lamborghini, I __________ (go) on road trip through Switzerland
9. A Toyota __________ (not break down) [you are considering buying a new car]
10. A Toyota __________ (not break down) [you are considering buying a new car but hate Toyotas]
Exercise 3:
Create a 2nd conditional statement which gives the hypothetical result(s) of the action.
Action: the speed limit is reduced to 60 mph on motorways
Result: less petrol will be used by motorists
2nd conditional statement: If the speed limit were reduced to 60 mph on motorways, less petrol would be used by motorists
1. Action: People who drive into the city centre must pay a fee.
Result: Fewer people will drive into the city centre.
2. Action: The government taxes petrol more heavily.
Result 1: Petrol will be less affordable.
Result 2: People will drive less.
3. Action: Petrol and diesel vehicles are banned in 2030.
Result 1: People will be forced to use electric vehicles.
Result 2: The electricity system will struggle to cope with the demand for electricity.
4. Action: The age when a person can start driving is raised to 25 years old
Result: There will be fewer serious accidents on the roads.
5. Action: More cycle lanes are built around cities.
Result: People will use their cars less.
Result 2: People will be healthier.
Discussion Questions 1:
What would you do if…?
1. you found a cockroach in your food?
2. you were given a pay cut?
3. you missed a flight?
4. you inherited a large amount of money?
5. you were offered an extremely well paid job in the Far North of Siberia?
6. you found a wallet on the street that was full of money, but contained no ID?
7. you slightly damaged a rental car?
Discussion Questions 2:
Under what circumstances would you…?
1. lend a friend a large amount of money?
2. walk out of your job?
3. refuse to pay for a meal in a restaurant?
4. steal from a shop?
5. give a lift to a stranger?
6. change your career?
7. punch someone?
8. sell everything you own and become a monk?
Discussion Questions 3:
1. If you could have a house/ flat anywhere in the world, where would you live?
2. If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
3. What would you buy if you won $10 million in the lottery?
4. Would you still go to work if you felt ill?
5. What would your dream holiday be like?
6. Would you be angry if you found out your boss had lied to you?
7. If you had to move to another city for your job, would you go?
8. What would be difficult about living in China? What about the USA?
9. If your neighbour asked to borrow your car, would you lend it to him?
10. Would you be able to fix your car if it broke down?
11. Where would be the best place in the world to work?
12. If you could stay one age forever, what age would it be?
13. If your house was on fire, what one item would you save?
14. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
15. How would your life be different if you were a member of the opposite sex?
Discussion Questions 4:
Make 2nd conditional statements to describe the hypothetical results of the following situations:
All cars are automatically limited to the speed limit.
Result: If all cars were automatically limited to the speed limit, it would be less fun to drive, and people wouldn't buy sports cars anymore. Perhaps car sharing would become more popular too.
1. Only driverless cars are allowed on the roads.
2. Trucks can only use the roads at night
3. The government helps to build recharging infrastructure for electric vehicles.
4. More money is spent on high speed trains.
5. A special lane is created on roads for motorists who car share.
6. Bus and train services run more frequently.
7. The number of cars on the roads continues to increase rapidly every year.
8. Schools ban parents from bringing their children to school by car.
Answer Key:
Exercise 1
1. studied/ would get
2. travelled/ would visit
3. would learn/ had
4. saved/ would start
5. won/ would celebrate
6. invited/ would come
7. would save/ had
8. would implement/ became
9. knew/ would tell
Exercise 2:
1. If I won the lottery, I would buy a yacht (2nd conditional)
2. If I go to the supermarket, I will buy some milk (1st conditional)
3. If Brazil wins the next Football World Cup, he will open a bottle of champagne (1st conditional)
4. If I were an Olympic athlete, I would not drink alcohol (2nd conditional)
5. If Japan won the next Football World Cup, she would learn Japanese (2nd conditional)
6. If you get a promotion, you will earn more money (1st conditional)
7. If you got a promotion, you would earn more money (2nd conditional)
8. If I had a Lamborghini, I would go on road trip through Switzerland (2nd conditional)
9. A Toyota won’t break down (not break down) (1st conditional)
10. A Toyota wouldn’t break down (not break down) (2nd conditional)
Exercise 3:
1. If people who drove into the city centre had to pay a fee, fewer people would drive into the city centre.
2. If the government taxed petrol more heavily, petrol would be less affordable and people would drive less.
3. If petrol and diesel vehicles were banned in 2030, people would be forced to use electric vehicles. As a result, the electricity system would struggle to cope with the demand for electricity.
4. If the age when a person could start driving was raised to 25 years old, there would be fewer serious accidents on the roads.
5. If more cycle lanes were built around cities, people would use their cars less and would be healthier.