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General Training Writing Task 1

3. Invitation Letter (Informal)

You are organising a family event for your grandmother’s 90th birthday. You want to invite your cousin. Write an email to your cousin.

In your letter:

  • say why you are organising the family event

  • give details about when and where it will take place

  • explain why it is important to attend

Model Answer:

Dear Ralph,

How are you and the family? I wanted to let you know about a party I’m organising for Grandma. As I’m sure you’re aware, it will be her 90th birthday on the 5th August and so I thought it would be great to get together to celebrate the occasion. She’ll really appreciate seeing all of her extended family.

We’re going to hold the party on the 5th at my house as we have a big place and there will be plenty of room for everyone. We’re going to start early, at 11am, as Grandma usually likes to have a nap around 3pm. As you’ve been to my house before, you know the best way to get here is by car. I’ll send you an email with the address and directions later in case you've forgotten the route to get here.

I really hope you can come as I know Grandma will be thrilled to see you and your kids. You know how important family bonds are to her. It’ll be a great chance to catch up with everyone and spend some quality time together too. On top of that, Uncle James and Aunt Jane are coming over from Canada and I’m sure they’d love to see you.

Please let me know if you’ll be able to make it.

Lots of love,


Useful Phrases:


  • How are you and the family?

  • I wanted to let you know about...

Saying why you are doing something:

  • As I’m sure you’re aware...

  • I thought it would be great to...

Explaining why something is important:

  • She’ll really appreciate [+ verb-ing]

  • I really hope you can come as [person] will be thrilled to see you

  • It’ll be a great chance to [+ infinitive]

  • On top of that...


  • Please let me know if you'll be able to make it

  • Lots of love,

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