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General Training Writing Task 1

17. Request Leave Letter (Formal)

You are currently taking a course at a university but you will need to take a week off. Write a letter to the university Principal.

In your letter:

  • say what course you are on

  • explain why you have to take a week off

  • and say what you would like the Principal to do

Model Answer:

Dear Principal Atkins,

Please could I inform you that I will not be able to attend university lectures and seminars next week. I am an undergraduate student in the second year of the law course, and am currently studying modules on international law and commercial law.

Unfortunately, I need to have an operation urgently. I began to feel ill a few days ago so I visited my doctor who sent me to see a specialist. The specialist found a serious problem and made an appointment for surgery next Monday. Following the operation, I am going to need several days to recover.

Please could you make the faculty members running my course aware that it won’t be possible for me to attend their lectures next week, and if possible, could they send me any materials and lecture notes for the lectures I will miss. In addition, I would appreciate an extension on the assignments due to be submitted at the end of next week, as I will be incapacitated and unable to work on them during this period.

Thank-you for your help and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Christina Lacalle

Useful Phrases:


  • Please could I inform you that...

Making Request:

  • Please could you make [someone] aware that...


  • Thank-you for your help and understanding.

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