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General Training Writing Task 1

15. Apology Letter (Semi-formal)

Your neighbours have written to complain about the noise from your house/ flat. Write a letter to your neighbours.

In your letter:

  • explain the reasons for the noise

  • apologise

  • describe what action you will take

Model Answer:

Dear Mr and Mrs Jones,

I’m writing to apologise for disturbing you recently. I understand that we were making an inappropriate amount of noise, which made it difficult for you to relax. In addition to apologising, I’d like to explain why we were so noisy, and reassure you that we will do our best to reduce any disturbance in the future.

Currently my sister is staying in hospital after having an operation, and while she recovers we are looking after her two young boys. Her kids are lovely and are usually very polite and courteous, however like most youngsters, they are very energetic and love to run, jump and play noisy games. We have been trying to keep them calm and quiet but it’s not always easy.

They will be with us for one more week, but we will work hard on limiting the noise as much as possible during this time. We have decided to take the kids to the local playground every afternoon in the hope that this will tire them out, so that they are calmer in the evening.

Apologies again for the inconvenience, and thank-you for your understanding.

Kind regards,


Useful Phrases:


  • I’m writing to apologise for...

Describing Action:

  • I’d like to reassure you that...

  • We will do our best to...


  • Apologies again for the inconvenience, and thank-you for your understanding.

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