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Part 1

1. What is the most important quality for an athlete? Speed, agility, skill or athleticism?

2. Have you ever played a ball sport? Which one is your favourite and why?

3. Have you ever sat in the stands during a live sports event? Did you cheer for a team?

4. Do you enjoy listening to sports commentators? What makes a good commentator?

5. Are you competitive when playing sports? Should we encourage kids to be highly competitive when playing sports?

6. Do you prefer watching contact sports or non-contact sports? Why?

7. What sport is most fast-paced? Do you like slow-paced sports like cricket or baseball?

8. Is hooliganism a problem in any sports? What do you think can be done to prevent it?

Part 2

9. Have you ever practised martial arts? Why do people like to learn martial arts?

10. Do you follow any motorsports like Formula 1? What interests you about them?

11. Did you ever dream of being a professional athlete? Which sport interested you?

12. Have you ever played a racket sport like tennis or badminton? Did you enjoy it?

13.Was there a sports hall at your school? What sports was it used for?

14. Do you prefer watching televised sports events or being present at the venue? Why?

15. Which top-flight sports league has been most successful in recent years? Why do you think it is so popular?

16. How important do you think sponsorship is for athletes and sports teams?

17. Are sports the best way to work off stress or excess energy? Should sports be prescribed to patients suffering from excess anxiety, stress or even depression?


Topic Vocabulary:

agility (noun [u])

Definition: Being able to move quickly and easily.

Example: The cat's agility allowed it to quickly climb up the tree and escape the dog.

athleticism (noun [u])

Definition: The physical abilities, fitness, strength, and skill required for sports and physical activities.

Example: Her natural athleticism made her excel in a variety of sports like volley ball, tennis, and swimming.

ball sport (noun [c])

Definition: Games where people use a ball to play, like football or basketball.

Example: Football is a popular ball sport that is played by millions around the world.

cheer (verb)

Definition: Showing support and happiness by clapping, shouting, or being excited.

Example: The crowd cheered loudly when their team scored a goal.

commentator (noun [c])

Definition: Someone who describes on TV or radio what is happening in a sporting event.

Example: The commentator explained the game's key moments to the viewers.

competitive (adjective)

Definition: Trying hard to win against others.

Example: The two friends are very competitive and always try to outdo each other in games.

contact sport (noun [c])

Definition: A sport in which there is physical contact between players, such as football or rugby.

Example: Boxing is a contact sport that involves physical contact and punches between opponents.

fast-paced (adjective)

Definition: Happening quickly and with a lot of energy.

Example: The football match's fast-paced action kept me on the edge of my seat.

hooligan (noun [c])

Definition: A person who behaves badly, often causing trouble or violence in public settings.

Example: The hooligans caused trouble after the football match, damaging property.

martial arts (noun [pl])

Definition: Various types of self-defence or combat techniques practised as a sport. 

Example: He's been studying martial arts for years to learn self-defence.

motorsport (noun [u])

Definition: Racing with fast cars or motorbikes.

Example: My dad loves watching motorsport on TV, especially Formula 1.

professional (noun [c])

Definition: An individual who is paid to play a particular sport or activity at a high level.

Example: She became a professional player after years of dedication and hard work.

racket sport (noun [c])

Definition: Games where people hit a ball with a racket, like tennis or badminton. 

Example: He was always good at racket sports because he had excellent hand to eye coordination.

spectator (noun [c])

Definition: A person who watches a sports or other event.

Example: The stadium was filled with spectators cheering for their favourite team.

sponsorship (noun [u])

Definition: When money is given to an event, team, or individual in exchange for advertising.

Example: The football player made a huge amount of money from a sponsorship deal with Reebok.

sports hall (noun [c])

Definition: A large indoor space for playing sports or exercising.

Example: The kids played basketball in the sports hall after school.

stand (noun)

Definition: Where people sit or stand to watch sports games or concerts.

Example: We cheered loudly from the stands as our team scored a goal.

televised (adjective)

Definition: Shown on television.

Example: The championship game will be televised on Saturday.

top-flight (adjective)

Definition: The highest level of quality or skill.

Example: She's a top-flight athlete and regularly competes in international competitions.

work off (phrasal verb)

Definition: To get rid of or reduce something, like stress or calories, through physical activity.

Example: I'm going for a run to work off the extra calories from dinner.

Exercise 1: Gap-fill Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase from the list provided below.

1. The ___________ of the gymnasts at the Olympics was truly impressive.

2. Football is the most popular team __________ in the world.

3. The ___________ provided a lively explanation of what was happening during the football match.

4. Players can sometimes get injured by players from the other team when participating in ___________.

5. The match was so ___________, I could hardly keep up with the action!

6. He spent hours in the gym to ___________ the extra calories he consumed over the weekend.

7. Pupils played five-a-side football in the school  __________ during their free time.


ball sport

sports hall

burn off



contact sports

Exercise 2: Matching Exercise

Fill in the missing words from the following article.

In a packed 1__________ last Saturday, 2__________  gathered to witness the highly-anticipated martial arts tournament. This 3__________ event featured impressive displays of 4__________ , as participants executed lightning-fast moves with precision and skill. The fast-paced action kept the audience on their feet, which erupted in 5__________ each time a competitor scored a point. Meanwhile, viewers at home could also enjoy the action as the competition was 6__________.




sports hall



Exercise 3: Multiple-Choice Exercise

Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1. The ___________ provided expert analysis and insights during the game.

a) commentator

b) coach

c) manager

2. The tournament was highly __________ so no one could predict who the winner would be.

a) competitive

b) top-flight

c) athleticism

3. The ___________ were filled with enthusiastic fans cheering for their favourite team.

a) hooligans

b) stands

c) pitch

4. The company decided to provide ___________ to the local football team.

a) spectators

b) advice

c) sponsorship

5. The sport of boxing is a classic example of a ___________.

a) motorsport

b) ball sport

c) contact sport

6. The game had to be stopped as fighting broke out among __________ in the stands.

a) spectators

b) hooligans

c) martial arts

Vocabulary Answer Key:

Exercise 1: 1. agility, 2. ball sport, 3. commentator, 4. contact sports, 5. fast-paced, 6. burn off, 7. sports hall

Exercise 2: 1. sports hall, 2. spectators, 3. top-flight, 4. athleticism, 5. cheers, 6. Televised.

Exercise 3: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5c, 6b

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Advanced Discussion Questions


7. Sport


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