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Part 1

1. How often do you dine out?

2. How important is the ambience of a restaurant to your dining experience? Can you think of a restaurant with a particularly memorable ambience?

3. When it comes to appetisers, what type of dish do you usually prefer?

4. What are your thoughts on artificial flavourings and preservatives in food? Are there any artificial flavourings you will never eat?

5. When you go out for a meal with your partner, is the meal usually on you?

6. Courteous service is a hallmark of a good restaurant. Can you think of a dining experience where the service was impeccable?

7. Cuisine can vary greatly from region to region. What's a type of cuisine you've always wanted to try, but haven't had the chance to yet?

Part 2

8. Are you a culinary enthusiast? Do you enjoy trying out a wide range of restaurants and cuisine?

9. Have you ever had any trouble with the cutlery at a restaurant? Do you know how to use chopsticks?

10. Do you have any dietary restrictions that you need to consider when dining out?

11. Fine dining often comes with higher prices. Is it something you like to indulge in, or do you prefer more casual dining experiences?

12. During your lunch break, do you prefer to grab a bite to eat at a shop or supermarket, or do you make time for a proper meal at a restaurant?

13. The hospitality industry plays a crucial role in many economies. How important is the hospitality industry in your area?

14. Have you ever got food poisoning from a restaurant? What measures do you think restaurants should take to ensure a hygienic environment?

15. Have you ever been to a restaurant with a set menu? Was it good value for money?

16. How important do you think it is for restaurants to source their ingredients locally?


Topic Vocabulary:

ambience (adjective):

Definition: The mood or atmosphere of a place.

Example: This restaurant has great food and a wonderful ambience.

appetiser (noun [c]):

Definition: A small dish or snack served before the main course of a meal to stimulate the appetite.

Example: Before the main course, they served delicious appetisers like spring rolls and chicken wings.

artificial flavourings (phrase):

Definition: Man-made taste added to food to enhance its flavour.

Example: This ice cream has artificial flavourings that give it a sweeter taste.

be on me (idiom):

Definition: A phrase used to express that the speaker will pay for something, typically a meal or drinks.

Example: Don't worry about the bill; dinner is on me tonight.

courteous (adjective):

Definition: Polite, showing good manners and respectful behaviour towards others.

Example: The waiter was courteous and always smiled while taking our orders.

cuisine (noun [u]):

Definition: A type of cooking or style of food.

Example: French cuisine is known for its rich sauces and fresh ingredients.

culinary (adjective):

Definition: Related to cooking and eating.

Example: She has a wealth of culinary experiences from travelling the world.

cutlery (noun [u]):

Definition: Knives, forks, and spoons used for eating.

Example: Set the table with the cutlery and plates.

dietary (adjective):

Definition: Related to what a person or animal can eat.

Example: She has dietary restrictions due to her lactose intolerance.

dine out (phrasal verb):

Definition: Eat a meal at a restaurant or other eating establishment, rather than at home.

Example: They decided to dine out at a new restaurant to celebrate their anniversary.

fine dining (uncountable noun):

Definition: A style of restaurant service that emphasises high-quality and a sophisticated atmosphere.

Example: For our wedding anniversary, my partner and I enjoyed a delicious meal at a fine dining restaurant.

grab a bite to eat (idiom):

Definition: To quickly get something to eat, often a light or casual meal.

Example: I'm feeling hungry; let's grab a bite to eat at the nearby cafe.

hospitality industry (noun phrase):

Definition: Businesses that provide services  such as hotel accommodation, food and drink, and tourism.

Example: The hospitality industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

hygienic (adjective):

Definition: Clean, promoting good health and preventing the spread of diseases. 

Example: The restaurant's kitchen wasn't hygienic, and some customers got food poisoning.

impeccable (adjective):

Definition: Without any mistakes or faults; perfect.

Example: Sarah's presentation was impeccable, she didn't make any mistakes while speaking.

mouthwatering (adjective):

Definition: Appearing delicious and causing a strong desire to eat or drink.

Example: The smell of fresh baked cookies was mouthwatering.

preservative (noun [c]):

Definition: A substance added to food to stop it from going off.

Example: He avoids food with preservatives because they are unhealthy.

set menu (noun phrase):

Definition: A fixed selection of dishes offered by a restaurant for a fixed price, usually with two or three courses.

Example: The set menu included three courses and wasn't expensive at all.

source (verb):

Definition: To find the materials needed to make something.

Example: She sources only the freshest ingredients for her dishes.

specialty (noun [c]):

Definition: A dish that a restaurant is particularly known for and that is a standout offering on its menu.

Example: The restaurant's specialty dish is its seafood paella, made with fresh, locally caught fish.

Exercise 1: Fill the gaps with the appropriate word(s) from the list below

1. The restaurant has been awarded three ____________ for its exceptional cuisine and service.

2. This restaurant is ____________, with a good balance of cost and quality food.

3. The staff were ____________ and ensured the guests' needs were met throughout the evening.

4. The candle-lit dinner was ____________ and romantic, perfect for the couple's anniversary.

5. The ____________ French dish of beef bourguignon is a staple in French cuisine.

6. I love eating at this Italian restaurant because the food is ____________ and tastes like it's straight from Italy.

7. The restaurant's menu features a ____________ of Asian and Latin American flavours.

8. The ____________ restaurant is known for its fine dining experience, with a menu of gourmet dishes and premium wines.

9. This restaurant has great food and a wonderful ____________

10. The restaurant is known for its use of ____________ ingredients which are grown in the farms surrounding the town.

11. The chef's ____________ presentation made each dish look like a work of art.

a. ambience

b. attentive

c. authentic

d. classic

e. fusion

f. high-end

g. impeccable

h. intimate

i. locally sourced

j. Michelin stars

k. mid-range

Exercise 2: Match sentence halves

1. I love to dine out

2. The posh restaurant had

3. After the restaurant was awarded a Michelin star

4. The restaurant offered many vegetarian alternatives

5. The city's gastronomy scene was

6. The restaurant's haute cuisine dishes

7. The mid-range restaurant had

8. The restaurant's popularity grew through

9. He was confused when he saw

10. The restaurant had a separate menu

a. for those with dietary restrictions.

b. positive word of mouth recommendations.

c. at new restaurants.

d. a dress code and required reservations.

e. it became extremely popular.

f. so much cutlery on the table.

g. diverse and celebrated local ingredients.

h. to meat-derived products.

i. were works of art and tasted amazing.

j. a casual atmosphere and affordable prices.

Exercise 3: Complete the text with the words below

The 1____________ industry is known for providing exquisite 2____________ experiences, with 3____________ dining establishments offering the best in 4____________ cuisine. However, with an increasing number of 5____________ restrictions and a growing concern for 6____________ needs, the industry is constantly evolving. Chefs are finding innovative ways to avoid using 7____________ products and eliminate the use of artificial 8____________ in their dishes. From vegan and gluten-free options to carefully crafted meals that cater to specific dietary needs, the hospitality industry is dedicated to providing delicious and healthy meals to all.

a. nutritional

b. hospitality

c. haute

d. meat derived

e. fine

f. dietary

g. flavourings

h. culinary

Vocabulary Answer Key:

Exercise 1: 1j, 2k, 3b, 4h, 5d, 6c, 7e, 8f, 9a, 10i, 11g

Exercise 2: 1c, 2d, 3e, 4h, 5g, 6i, 7j, 8b, 9f, 10a

Exercise 3: 1b, 2h, 3e, 4c, 5f, 6a, 7d, 8g

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Advanced Discussion Questions


2. Restaurants


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