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Part 1

1. Is there a long build-up before major public celebrations in your country? Do you enjoy the build-up? Why/ why not?

2. How can public festivals and celebrations help build community spirit? Can you give an example of a festival that really brings a community together?

3. What's the most interesting or unique costume you've ever seen someone wear during a festival?

4. Do you enjoy dressing up for special occasions or festivals? Why or why not?

5. Do you like buying and exchanging gifts during celebrations? Why/ why not?

6. Describe a feast you've had during a special celebration. What foods were included?

7. Have you ever seen someone wear a flamboyant outfit during a celebration? What did it look like?

8. Have you ever seen a float in a parade? What was on the float and what was the occasion?

Part 2

9. Are public festivals and celebrations important to remembering our heritage? Why/ why not?

10. What does it mean to let your hair down during a celebration? Can you share an example of when you did this?

11. Have you ever attended a live event or concert? What was the event and what was the atmosphere like?

12. When was the last time there was a long weekend in your country? Do you remember why there was a public holiday? What did you do during this time?

13. Do you have any special traditions or heirlooms that have been passed down in your family?

14. Have you ever been a reveller at a music festival? If not, would you like to in the future?

15. How connected do you feel to your roots? Do family celebrations help connect you to your ancestors?

16. Do you like buying food from stalls at events? What is your favourite kind of food commonly available in food stalls?

17. Who do you consider to be the life and soul of the party in your social circle? What makes them stand out?


Topic Vocabulary:

build-up (noun [c]):

Definition: The growth of excitement or tension before a big event.

Example: There was a lot of build-up and excitement before the big concert.

community spirit (noun phrase):

Definition: The feeling of togetherness and support among members of a community.

Example: The community spirit was evident at the fundraising event for the local school.

costume (noun [c]):

Definition: Clothes worn for a particular occasion or event, often representing a particular character or theme.

Example: She wore a pirate costume to the Halloween party.

dress up (phrasal verb):

Definition: To wear formal or fancy clothes for a special occasion or event.

Example: They dressed up in their best outfits for the wedding ceremony.

exchange gifts (verb phrase):

Definition: To give and receive presents or gifts as a gesture of goodwill or celebration.

Example: They exchanged gifts on Christmas morning and shared a special moment together.

feast (noun [c]):

Definition: A large and elaborate meal, often shared with friends or family for a special occasion or celebration.

Example: They prepared a feast for Thanksgiving and invited all their loved ones to share the meal.

flamboyant (adjective):

Definition: Someone or something that is very showy or extravagant, often to get attention or to be noticed.

Example: The singer's flamboyant costume and energetic performance wowed the audience.

float (noun [c]):

Definition: A decorated vehicle or platform that is used in a parade for entertainment or display purposes.

Example: The float representing the local sports team was a hit with the crowd during the parade.

heritage (noun [u]):

Definition: The traditions, customs and objects that are handed down from generation to generation in a culture.

Example: The museum's exhibit showcases the city's rich cultural heritage.

let your hair down (idiom):

Definition: To relax and be yourself without worrying about what others might think.

Example: After a week of hard work, she decided to let her hair down and have some fun at the party.

live (adjective):

Definition: To experience something in real-time, not recorded.

Example: Do you want to watch the live broadcast of the concert, or would you rather see a recording?

long weekend (noun phrase):

Definition: A period of time, typically three or four days, that includes a weekend and a holiday or special event.

Example: They're planning to take advantage of the long weekend and go on a road trip.

parade (noun [c]):

Definition: A special event where a group of people, often in colourful costumes, walk together.

Example: We watched the annual Christmas parade and enjoyed the festive atmosphere and colourful decorations.

pass down (phrasal verb):

Definition: Traditions or practices that are handed down from one generation to the next.

Example: The family recipe for apple pie has been passed down through generations.

reveller (noun [c]):

Definition: Someone who enjoys celebrating and having fun, often at a party or a festival.

Example: The revellers at the New Year's Eve party danced and sang until midnight.

roots (noun [pl]):

Definition: The place or culture that a person or thing originally comes from.

Example: Even though she was born in a different country, she still feels connected to her roots.

sound system (noun):

Definition: A set of speakers and other electronic equipment used to amplify and play music or other sounds.

Example: The DJ had a powerful sound system that made the music sound amazing.

stall (noun [c]):

Definition: A small, simple structure used for selling things at a market or fair.

Example: The market had many stalls selling fruits, vegetables, and handmade crafts.

street vendor (noun phrase):

Definition: Someone who sells goods or services on the street, often from a small cart or a stand.

Example: The street vendor sold fresh fruits and vegetables from his cart on the corner.

the life and soul of the party (idiom):

Definition: The person who brings a lot of energy, fun, and excitement to a social event.

Example: Tom is always the life and soul of the party as he knows how to make everyone laugh.

Exercise 1: Multiple-Choice Exercise

Choose the best vocabulary word to complete each sentence.

1. The yearly village fair is important to building  ___________ among the villagers.

a) parade

b) reveller

c) community spirit

2. The dancers wore ___________ costumes during their performance.

a) float

b) flamboyant

c) dress up

3. During the long weekend, families gathered for a festive ___________.

a) feast

b) heritage

c) build-up

4. The ___________ set up stalls selling handmade crafts.

a) businessmen

b) street vendors

c) revellers

5. The land has been  ___________ from one generation to the next for 240 years.

a) passed down

b) lived on

c) inherited

6. He’s normally so serious but he ___________ at the Christmas party.

a) dressed up

b) let his hair down

c) life and soul of the party

7. He didn’t have a ___________ for the fancy dress party.

a) costume

b) sound system

c) float

8. Her great grandmother’s ring was an important part of the family ___________.

a) roots

b) history

c) heritage

9. The ___________ continued dancing until 5am the next morning.

a) dancers

b) dj’s

c) revellers

Exercise 2: Gap-fill Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list provided below.

1. The ___________ for the upcoming festival is getting everyone excited.

2. The ___________ featured colourful floats and lively music.

3. The community gathered for a potluck ___________ to celebrate the holiday.

4. To experience the local culture, visitors can explore the ___________ markets.

5. For Halloween, kids love to ___________ as their favourite characters.

6. The staff weren’t at work on Monday because it was a  ___________.

7. The music from the ___________ echoed through the entire festival grounds.

8. During the holiday season, it's common to ___________ gifts with friends and family.

9. Street vendors set up colourful ___________ to sell handmade crafts.

10. He caught everyone's attention thanks to his  ___________ costume.

Exercise 3: Matching Exercise

Match words from A with words from B to form noun phrases and phrasal verbs.

















Vocabulary Answer Key:

Exercise 1: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9c

Exercise 2: 1. build-up, 2. parade, 3. feast, 4. street, 5. dress up, 6. long weekend, 7. sound system, 8. exchange, 9. stalls, 10. Flamboyant

Exercise 3: community spirit, dress up, exchange gifts, long weekend, pass down, sound system, street vendor

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Advanced Discussion Questions


19. Celebrations


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