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Part 1

1. Can you give an example of considerate behaviour? In your country, are people more considerate in the countryside than in big cities?

2. Do you have any overbearing relatives? Do they get on your nerves?

3. Can you share an example of a time when you put your foot in it and said something inappropriate?

4. How do you feel when someone isn’t punctual for a meeting or event? Do you think punctuality is important in all situations?

5. What are some ways to show empathy when someone is upset?

6. Describe a situation where someone made a scene in public. How did the people around them react?

7. What are some common compliments that you can give to others? Can compliments ever be creepy?

8. Have you ever witnessed someone being obnoxious to an employee? Do you think there should be laws against obnoxious behaviour?

Part 2

9. Can you recall a time when you offended someone unintentionally? Did you bring up a subject that was taboo? What are some taboo subjects in your country?

10. What are some things it’s inappropriate to ask someone you don’t know well?

11. Have you ever lost your temper while at work? What happened? Did you apologise later?

12. Do you think people are less courteous today than they used to be?

13. What things disturb you if you’re trying to work? Would you be easily disturbed if you worked in an open plan office?

14. In what, if any, situations does it pay to be aggressive?

15. What are some examples of anti-social behaviour? Should antisocial behaviour be punished with fines?


Topic Vocabulary:

aggressive (adjective):

Definition: Having or showing a readiness to attack or confront.

Example: The aggressive behaviour of the dog scared the children.

antisocial (adjective):

Definition: Relating to actions that harm or lack consideration for the well-being of others or society

Example: The neighbourhood watch program was implemented to deter antisocial behaviour.

compliment (verb):

Definition: A nice thing you say to make someone feel good about themselves. Example: She complimented her friend on her earrings.

considerate (adjective):

Definition: Thinking about how your actions will affect others and trying not to upset them or cause problems.

Example: The inconsiderate party guests left their empty glasses and plates scattered all over the house.

courteous (adjective):

Definition: Polite and respectful in behaviour or speech.

Example: The courteous driver allowed the other car to pass first.

disturb (verb):

Definition: Bother or annoy someone by interrupting their peace or concentration. 

Example: I couldn't work because the loud music next door kept on disturbing me.

empathy (noun [u]):

Definition: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.

Example: Schools can promote a culture of empathy by encouraging kindness and compassion.

hurt someone's feelings (idiom):

Definition: Make someone sad or upset by what you say or do.

Example: I didn't mean to hurt her feelings when I said that I didn't like the dress.

inappropriate (adjective):

Definition: Not suitable or proper for a particular situation or context.

Example: It's inappropriate to wear shorts to a job interview.

lose your temper (idiom):

Definition: To get really angry and be rude or act aggressively because you can't control yourself.

Example: I lost my temper and shouted at the stupid man.

make a scene (idiom):

Definition: to make a lot of noise in public, usually because you are angry.

Example: He was obviously angry and started making a scene on the train.

obnoxious (adjective):

Definition: extremely unpleasant, offensive or annoying.

Example: He was being obnoxious to the staff so he was told to leave the shop.

offend (verb):

Definition: Upset or annoy someone because of something you say or do that they don't like.

Example: He really offended her when he criticised her cooking.

overbearing (adjective):

Definition: Excessively controlling in a relationship or situation.

Example: My boss can be overbearing at times and it's hard to speak up.

provoke (verb):

Definition: To cause someone to feel angry or irritated.

Example: The rude comment provoked him into yelling.

punctual (adjective):

Definition: Arriving or happening at the scheduled or expected time.

Example: It's important to be punctual for meetings and appointments.

put someone at ease (verb phrase):

Definition: To make someone feel comfortable and relaxed in a situation.

Example: Her friendly smile put everyone at ease in the room.

put your foot in it (idiom):

Definition: To make a mistake, often by saying or doing something inappropriate.

Example: He really put his foot in it when he made that joke about her divorce.

thoughtful (adjective):

Definition: Considerate and kind towards others, often showing empathy and understanding.

Example: He gave her a thoughtful gift for her birthday that showed how much he cared.

unacceptable (adjective):

Definition: Not meeting expected standards or norms of behaviour.

Example: The teacher made it clear that cheating on exams was unacceptable in her class.

Exercise 1: Complete the Idiom

Make idioms by combining a verb from A with the phrase in B.





put x 2


your temper

a scene

someone’s feelings

someone at ease

your foot in it

Exercise 2: Changing Parts of Speech

1. Turn the following verbs into nouns.

A. compliment

B. disturb

C. offend

D. provoke

2. Turn the following adjectives into nouns.

A. aggressive

B. considerate

C. courteous

D. punctual

Exercise 3: Gap-fill Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list provided.

1. She always arrives on time; she's very ___________.

2. His ___________ behaviour during the Christmas party offended several colleagues.

3. Even though she wasn’t at fault, she apologised to avoid ___________.

4. Sarah has a talent for offering sincere ___________ that brighten people's days.

5. It was very ___________ of Jeff to offer to look after the house while we’re away.

6. The loud noise from the party continued to ___________ the neighbours.

7. His ___________ mother-in-law drives him crazy.

8. She ___________ when she asked her recently divorced friend about his wife.

9. Having ___________ for others is an important social skill.






making a scene



put her foot in it

Vocabulary Answer Key

Exercise 1: hurt someone’s feelings, lose your temper, make a scene, put someone at ease, put your foot in it

Exercise 2:  1A. compliment, 1B. disturbance, 1C. offence, 1D. provocation, 2A. aggression, 2B. consideration, 2C. courtesy, 2D. punctuality

Exercise 3: 1. punctual, 2. obnoxious, 3. making a scene, 4. compliments, 5. considerate, 6. disturb, 7. overbearing, 8. put her foot in it, 9. empathy

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Advanced Discussion Questions


15. Good Manners


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