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Writing Task 1 (Academic Test)


IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Chart, Diagram or Map

Model Answer:

The pie charts give information on the percentages of shipments occurring via 5 means of transport in 1990 and 2020, and the expected percentages for 2050. What stands out is the increase in rail and pipeline transport and the decrease in truck transport over the 60 years shown.

In the top left chart we can see in the data for 1990 that transportation by truck is by far the most common means of freight transport, accounting for approximately three quarters of shipments. The next largest means of shipment was Pipeline, at around 10%. By 2020, the situation had changed significantly and Truck was the mode of shipping for only about 60% of shipments. Pipelines and railways had become bigger players in this space, and each controlled around 15% of shipments. Meanwhile, transport by water or the Multiple mode had hardly changed relative size since 1990.

The forecast for 2050 shows a continuation of the trend seen previously. There is predicted to be a further fall in the amount of shipments done by truck, while the percentages of shipments by rail and pipeline will continue to increase. By 2050 Truck is expected to amount to roughly 35% of shipments, while Rail and Pipeline will be responsible for approximately 30% each.

Useful Vocabulary:

account for (verb): to form the whole or total of something

freight (noun [u]): goods that are being transported

means (noun [c]): a method

player (noun [c]): a person or group who plays a role in a negotiation, business or industry

relative (adjective): compared to others

stand out (phrasal verb): to be easy to see

29. Pie Charts

The pie charts below show the percentage of shipments made by various transportation modes in 1990, 2020, and forecasted for 2050.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

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