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Writing Task 1 (Academic Test)


IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Chart, Diagram or Map

Model Answer:

The bar chart shows how median house prices in five large cities changed over a twenty year period that began in 2000.  Overall, we can see that house price appreciation was much greater in most of the cities between 2000 and 2010, than between 2010 and 2020.

In the decade starting in 2000, house prices increased in all 5 cities shown. Shanghai saw the largest upwards movement in prices, with housing on average selling for three times as much in 2010 as in 1999. This incredible growth in house prices was most closely matched by Buenos Aires, where the average house was twice as expensive in 2010 compared to 1999. London, and Bangkok also experienced a big increase in prices, and only Tokyo saw more moderate price rises in accommodation.

The picture in the period from 2010 to 2020 was quite different. 

While average property prices continued to increase in all of the cities, price increases were more limited than in the previous decade. Furthermore, housing price growth in Tokyo, Bangkok, London and Buenos Aires was relatively similar, at between 60% and 100%. Only average house prices in Shanghai continued to rocket, and more than doubled as compared to 1999.

Useful Vocabulary:

appreciation (noun [u]): to increase in value/ price, especially for investments, property and currencies

decade (noun [c]): a period of 10 years

moderate (adjective): not very large or small in size, amount, or strength

movement (noun [c/ u]): a change from one level, place or position to another one

rocket (verb): to increase a lot very quickly

upwards (adverb): to move towards a higher level or position

24. Bar Chart

The chart below shows the percentage change in house prices in five cities between 2000 and 2020 compared with 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

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