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Writing Task 1 (Academic Test)


IELTS Writing Task 1 Academic Chart, Diagram or Map

Model Answer:

The map illustrates the significant changes that took place on a tourist resort island from 2006 to 2021. In general, a great deal of development occurred on the island during this time period. In 2006 the island was largely undeveloped but by 2021, most of the space was occupied

In 2007 the majority of the island’s territory was undeveloped and covered with forest. In the southwest of the island there were a few bungalows, and in the northeast there was a hotel and shop adjacent to a single pier. The entire northwest and southeast sections of the island were undisturbed and trees grew across the middle too.

By 2021 the island had changed considerably. The bungalows in the southwest had been replaced by a new large hotel. The old hotel in the northeast remained, but the number of shops had increased from 1 to 4. In the southeastern corner of the island there were several bungalows, while the forest covering the middle of the island had been cut down to make way for a road connecting the new hotel to the northeastern piers. Furthermore, instead of only one pier, there were now 2.

Useful Vocabulary:

adjacent (adjective): next to, beside

considerably (adverb): a large amount/ to a large degree

cut down (phrasal verb): to cut trees trees down with a saw or axe

development (noun [c]): the use of land for building houses, offices and factories etc.

entire (adjective): all, including everything

largely (adverb): almost completely

make way for something (idiom): to create space for something

pier (noun [c]): a long structure that sticks out into the sea, where people can get onto and off boats easily

resort (noun [c]): a place where people stay when they are on holiday

significant (adjective): important, large

territory (noun [c]): an area of land that belongs to someone

undeveloped (adjective): natural, not built on by humans

undisturbed (adjective): not changed or affected by human activities

17. Map

The map below shows the changes that occurred on a tropical island between 2006 and 2021.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

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